I would also like to point out a tiny word or phrase in the first verse; and depending on your translation it will say, “hear”, or “hearken”, or “observe”. The Hebrew word that is being translated is Shema. Those of you who have been around the Hebrew Roots type of teaching for a while should recognize that word as it has even become a Traditional name for a commandment in Deuteronomy 6. It is also known as the “hear O Israel”.
Here’s the point: in our modern English we make little distinction between the words “hear” and “hearken”. We think that hearken is just a very formal old English way of saying hear. Not true. Shema is an instruction to DO something. It is a call to action. So in our modern vocabulary “listen and obey” or “observe” better captures the sense of the word shema or its English counterpart hearken. In Medieval times hearken specifically meant to act on what you’re being told.
Just as I have explained in earlier lessons that when our Bibles say “believe in God”, we should mentally cross out the word “believe” and insert instead “trust” in order to align the Biblical sense of it with 21st century vocabulary, so it is when we run across the words “hear” or “hearken” we should mentally cross out those words and replace them with “listen and obey” or “observe”. That is because just as “believe” has become a rather weak word that indicates a passive intellectual acceptance of something, so has “hear and hearken” become words that just mean our ears perceived some sounds and we intellectually comprehended them. That is not at all, or ever was, the sense of the word Shema. It means that we hear and DO. We are to ACT upon what we hear.
Therefore let me recite the Shema for you in the sense it was always meant (and the sense in which the Hebrews understood it) and just see if the changing of that one little word from hear to obey doesn’t suddenly put a whole new light on it:
NAS Deuteronomy 6:4 "OBEY, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! 5 "And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
Further let me remind you of two things: where the word LORD is, in Hebrew it is actually YHWH. And where the word heart is used, heart was NOT thought of (in that era) as the place where our emotions reside. Rather the heart was the equivalent of brain. The heart was the where our intellect resided. In our modern vocabulary we should cross our heart whenever we see it in the Bible (OT or NT) and insert the word mind.
Let me read this basic God-principle called the Shema for you once again, and then we’ll close. And remember, Yeshua says that the Shema is the MOST foundational God-principle of them all; the 10 Words (10 Commandments) are based on the Shema, as are all the 613 laws. So it’s important that we get the truest possible sense of what God is communicating to us.
NAS Deuteronomy 6:4 "OBEY, O Israel! YEHOVEH is our God, YEHOVEH is one! 5 "And you shall love YEHOVEH your God with all your MIND and with all your soul and with all your might.
That puts it in a little different perspective doesn’t it? Do you see the strength and passion of this statement and do-ability of that statement? This is a kingly decree that is not to be ignored. The requirement is that we understand who God is intellectually and THEN let it envelope our souls as well, and then we ACT upon this understanding with every fiber of our physical and spiritual being. HEAR or HEARKEN are powerful, not passive, Biblical words. And we will find those same words, with the same meaning and intent, in the New Testament as well.
We’ll continue with Moses’ eloquent and impassioned sermon next week.
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viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017
domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017
Biblical Reasons For Every Christian To Evangelize
By Alan Furst
How important is evangelism? Is it meant to be a concern for only certain Christians? Is it just the job of missionaries and pastors and evangelists? Why bother at all to convert people who are content with their lifestyles and beliefs? After having been a Christian for more than a decade and after having served overseas as a missionary, I sat down one day to discover biblical reasons to be motivated in evangelism. This is the list I discovered.
The Lostness of the Lost
In Luke 15, we read three parables about things lost: a lost coin, a lost sheep and a lost son. It is obvious that Jesus is talking about sinners repenting and returning to their rightful owner. But it is not until the third parable about the lost son that we get an insight into the meaning of the word “lost.” Twice we read that this son “was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Deadness and lostness are equated.
Other New Testament references use this exact same word. Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” John 3:16 speaks of Christ coming “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
In Greek two thoughts are combined to produce this word which we translate “lost.” The first indicates separation and departure. A relationship has ceased to be what it once was. The second clearly means ruin, death and destruction. That is what it means to be lost.
• The people I know that do not love Christ are lost souls.
The Certainty of Eternity
Jesus says in Matthew 24:35 that “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.” God is an eternal being and this makes His words of eternal significance.
A few of these eternal words found in Daniel 12:1-3 give us an eternal insight. “…Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt….” From these words we can conclude three things that ought to concern us: (1) all men will exist forever, (2) all men will experience a resurrection, and (3) all men everywhere, since the beginning of time, will experience either everlasting life or everlasting contempt.
• The question is not whether there is life after death, but whether a man will have God’s gift of life after death.
The Horror of Hell
This is not Hollywood’s version, but rather the Holy Spirit’s version. “He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of His power” (2 Thes. 1:8-9).
The Book of Revelation adds to this warning, “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Rev. 14:11). “The devil...was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.... Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Rev. 20:10, 14-15).
These verses are clear warnings to those who do not repent. Jesus said, “Unless you repent, you too will all perish” (Luke 13:5). These are the words of Christ, and describe the fate of the unbelieving.
The Prophet Isaiah, at the end of his book, tells us of those who rebel against the Lord – “their worm will not die, nor their fire be quenched” (Isa. 66:24).
• Do you know of anyone that you would like to see spend eternity in this way?
The Exclusiveness of Christ
Many voices are saying these days that basically sincerity and simple goodness are enough to get you into heaven. God, who does not lie nor deceive, has something different to say about this matter. “I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior” (Isa. 43:11).
Without making any excuses or defenses Jesus proclaimed, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). The apostles boldly agreed when they said, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). And again the Apostle Paul says, “There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus...” (1 Tim. 2:5).
If we believe these words then we have no questions about the destiny of all men who practice sin even if they have never heard the Gospel. Nor does there remain any doubt about our sincere neighbors who adhere to a different savior than the one revealed in the Bible. Because there is only one Savior, there is only one entrance into the Holy City.
• That way is really a narrow way!
The Compelling Love of Christ
Paul defines love for us in terms we can understand in First Corinthians chapter 13. Among the many things he says, we find that love “is not self-seeking.” As I understand divine love, it always has in mind how it can accomplish the highest good in another person. As soon as it fails to seek the highest good, it fails to be God’s love. God certainly does not desire that any should perish nor does He deliberately set out to harm someone just for the sake of harming him.
Paul was compelled by this kind of love. “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all...and He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Cor. 5:14-15). If we claim to have the love of God then we must also have a concern for the lost.
The Apostle John agrees when he refers to the love of God in First John. The highest good for any man anywhere is to be right with God. John writes, “We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). It would require theological gymnastics to escape the relationship between the demonstration of God’s love for us in Christ and the love of God born in us who believe in Him and are witnesses of His wonderful love.
• If I love God, I must make Him known.
The Promise of His Return
“This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). “...The Lord Jesus [will be] revealed from heaven in blazing fire with His powerful angels” (2 Thes. 1:7). Surely Jesus is coming soon. We do not know how long we have left and once men are ushered before His throne there will be no further opportunities for the Gospel to be preached.
“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare” (2 Pet. 3:9-10). Such knowledge should spur us on and see to it that God’s heaven is filled with a greater multitude than at the present moment.
• Lord, teach us to number our days!
The Accountability of Each Man
In Second Corinthians 5:10 the Holy Spirit lets us know ahead of time that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” In the context of chapters four and five we are very much aware of the fact that Paul is talking about preaching Christ (4:5), eternal values vs. temporal values (4:18), and the suffering that accompanies the preaching of the Gospel. Christians alone are the ambassadors of Christ with the responsibility of persuading men to follow Christ.
The questions Paul asks in Romans 10:14-15 are for the church. “How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” The obvious answers to the questions are, they can’t, they can’t, and they can’t. The responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of the church. Being a member of the church, that means you and me, too.
• Are you ready to give account?
The Greatness of the Commission
In Matthew 28:18-20, the words we read are not just good words to end a great book. According to the first chapter of Ephesians they were spoken by the Head of the church and the Sovereign Governor of the entire created universe. That’s quite a commission!
Furthermore, this fabulous commission was given exclusively to the church. “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matt. 16:19). “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known...” (Eph. 3:10). Without a doubt, that manifold wisdom includes how a man can get right with God through faith in Christ Jesus.
• Are you doing your job?
Before you finish this article, I would like to encourage you to write a list of people you know who have not given their lives to Jesus in repentance and faith. Then reread the reasons to be motivated in evangelism. The question we should ask ourselves is not, “Should I be involved in evangelism?” but rather, “Lord, how can I present Christ to these people so that they will be saved?” Is there a biblical reason not to do this?
– Reprinted from an earlier Herald. Used by permission.
viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017
hebraic undertanding Gospel of JESUS
Hebraic understanding of the Gospel of Yeshua
“Judge not, that you be not judged.”
What an opening to this week’s reading. Yeshua did plenty of judging. Paul did plenty of judging. We are told elsewhere in the Scriptures to judge the prophets, and to be careful of the company we keep (which is a form of judgement). So what does this mean? In the context of this discourse, which we call ‘the sermon on the mount’, it means to take your eye off what others are doing and concentrate on your own position. Time here does not allow for a complete reflection on that sermon, but sufficient to say, read it ALL in one reading, and you will discover that the general thrust is about repentance from past allegiances (to the traditions of men) and to turn (repent) to the correct observances of the Torah which God gave to Moses, on another mountain, centuries earlier.
Yeshua then states that the gate is narrow, and difficult is the way that leads to life. What a challenge that should be to the ‘greek mindset’ of those who preach a prosperity gospel in our day if they took heed to the words of Yeshua. “Come to Jesus and all your problems will be solved” is the disingenuous message of those who should know better. “Make a verbal proclamation of faith and you are in” is the equally deceptive call. Where in our churches today do we hear the call to repentance? To turning around. To right living.
Look carefully at chapter 7 verses 22,23. Probably the most judgemental words in the whole of the Scriptures. Do you think, as I do, that there may be many very disappointed people when ‘the roll is called up yonder’? Even though the consistent message throughout the Scriptures is that God requires obedience to His instructions for righteous living (Torah) from ALL who are His. Many of our churches today persist in teaching that the Torah of God is obsolete. Well, let us look just one more time at Matthew 7:23. “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me you who practice Torahlessness (‘anomia’ in greek). How plain is that? It is more than plain, it is frighteningly plain.
Now, the first century audience of Yeshua would not have had the slightest difficulty in understanding the message. Torah observance was the way of life for them, from which they had become diverted. Most of us (gentile believers) were taught from childhood that Torah was obsolete. It is only when one reads the Scriptures through Hebraic eyes that the truth becomes crystal clear.
And what does Yeshua tell us is our reward? We will be likened to a wise man, who built on rock and not on sand. So when trials and tribulation appears, we will be established on solid foundations. What a privilege. Following this discourse, there are two examples of divine healing recounted. The first, a leper, was Jewish. When he was healed Yeshua told him to go and show himself to the local priest. This was pure, simple Torah observance. (Torah reflection “Tazaria” on Leviticus 13 for my comment).
The second was a Roman Centurion, a man of authority in Capernaum. His great faith was used to intercede on behalf of his faithful servant. Yeshua used this occasion to prophecy that many non-Jews would be included in the Kingdom of heaven. The basis of that inclusion is by faith alone. However, it is reasonable to conclude that such faith would manifest itself in more than mere words. On the basis of the earlier statement in Matthew 7:23 above, such faith should lead us to live, to actually practice, the life prescribed by God Almighty for those who are His. The Apostle Paul referred to this (Romans 11) inclusion as a ‘grafting in’ to the natural Olive Tree, which is Israel.The text continues with even more people healed, drawing Matthew to remember the prophecy in Isaiah 53 about Messiah bearing our sickness in His own body.
But there is one more observation to be made from the very last verse of our passage. It seems unthinkable that a whole town would band together to implore Yeshua to leave them. To go away and not come back. The reason would appear to be that they had been persuaded by the swine herders, into whose pigs the demons had entered before they were drowned, that Yeshua was bad for business! It is true today isn’t it.
viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017
Dia de el perdon =YOM KIPPUR
mañana 30 de septiembre es YON Kippur ¿Qué tiene que ver esto con nosotros los creyentes en JESUS¿creo que mucho permíteme echar una mirada a la escritura
“Porque en este día se hará expiación por vosotros, y seréis
limpios de todos vuestros pecados delante del YHVH. Día de
reposo es para vosotros, y afligiréis vuestras almas; es
estatuto perpetuo".Levítico (Va-Yikrah) 16:30-31.
"A los diez días de este mes séptimo será el día de
expiación...porque es día de expiación, para reconciliaros
delante del YHVH vuestro Di-s... ningún trabajo haréis;
estatuto perpetuo es por vuestras generaciones en
dondequiera que habitéis. Día de reposo será a vosotros, y
afligiréis vuestras almas, comenzando a los nueve
días del mes en la tarde; de tarde a tarde guardaréis vuestro
reposo". Levítico (Va-Yikrah) 23:27-28,31-32.
"En el diez de este mes séptimo tendréis santa convocación, y
afligiréis vuestras almas; ninguna obra haréis". Números (Ba-
Midbar) 29:7.”
Varios nombres y temas definen la naturaleza de este día:
1. Es el día de expiación
2. El día de estar cara a cara con Dios.
3. El gran día
4. El día de ayuno
5. El día del gran shofar
6. El día en que se cierran las puertas.
1. El día de la expiación: De acuerdo a lo ordenado por YHVH en
Levítico 16: 30-31 es el día de hacer un alto en el camino, afligir
nuestro cuerpo (ayuno) y reconciliarnos con el Padre.
De acuerdo al relato Bíblico, el Sumo Sacerdote entraba al lugar
Santísimo una vez cada año en el día de Yom Kipur para pedir perdón por
los pecados del pueblo. La ceremonia comenzaba cuando el Sacerdote
traía dos machos cabrios para la expiación o pecados del pueblo, y un
becerro que seria sacrificado para santificar el altar, u holocausto.
Después, presentaba los machos cabrios delante de YHVH y procedía a
echar suertes sobre ellos, de tal manera que uno seria sacrificado por los
pecados de Israel, en honor a YHVH y el otro seria llevado al desierto
después de imponer sobre el las manos el sumo sacerdote y confesar
sobre su cabeza todos los pecados del pueblo.(Lev.16: 20-22).Este macho
cabrio era enviado a Azazel. Aunque no se sabe mucho acerca del
sentido que tenia la ceremonia era que al ser llevado a un lugar inhóspito
como el desierto, cargado con los pecados, estos (los pecados) serian
alejados del pueblo.
Los dos machos cabrios eran considerados una sola ofrenda. Existe una
enseñanza que es muy interesante al respecto: En la Mishna o tradición
oral judía, se relata que una cinta de color rojo era atada a la cabeza del
chivo enviado a Azazel y la otra parte de la misma cinta se conservaba en
el Santuario, en la puerta del Templo. Esta cinta, se tornaba de roja en
blanca y era una señal que esperaban con ansiedad, ya que significaba
para ellos que YHVH había recibido la ofrenda por los pecados. La base
bíblica de esta tradición estaba en Isaías 1:18. Lo interesante es que la
misma Mishna afirma que cuarenta años antes de la destrucción del
templo, nunca mas la cinta se volvió blanca. Te das cuenta de la relación?
Aunque ellos no aceptaron a Yeshua como Mesías y salvador, después de
su sacrificio, 40 años antes de la destrucción del templo, no fue aceptado
ningún otro sacrificio para expiación de los pecados.
Lee atentamente Levítico 16.
1. El ritual de Yom Kipur era realizado una vez al año de acuerdo a lo
ordenado por YHVH. Es claro el significado profético de que
Yeshua daría su sangre en expiación por nuestros pecados una vez
y para siempre. Yeshua es nuestro sumo sacerdote (Hebreos 7:26-
2. El sumo sacerdote debía usar vestiduras blancas en este día
especial. La razón o el significado era demostrar la naturaleza sin
pecado del Mesías. (Hebreos 4:15)
3. El sumo sacerdote entraba en el lugar Santísimo con la sangre de
su propio sacrificio, como una anticipación o promesa de que el
Mesías entraría en el verdadero lugar Santísimo con su propia
sangre de su propio sacrificio. (Hebreos 9: 11-12
4. La gran proclamación del Mesías estaba en el ofrecimiento de los
dos machos cabrios: Estos animales debían ser idénticos, como si
se trataran de uno solo para el sacrificio. Una primera cosa que
notamos muy interesante es que los dos carneros se echaban a la
suerte. (Levítico 16:8). También las vestiduras de Yeshua fueron
echadas a la suerte el día de su sacrificio. Salmo 22: 18 :
“repartieron entre sí mis vestidos, Y sobre mi ropa echaron
suertes.” Marco 15:24 “Cuando le hubieron crucificado,
repartieron entre sí sus vestidos, echando suertes sobre ellos para
ver qué se llevaría cada uno.”
5. El uso de dos animales para presentar un solo mensaje se encuentra
también en el uso de palomas durante el ritual de limpieza de lepra:
Lev.14:4-7: “el sacerdote mandará luego que se tomen para el que
se purifica dos avecillas vivas, limpias, y madera de cedro, grana e
hisopo. Y mandará el sacerdote matar una avecilla en un vaso de
barro sobre aguas corrientes. Después tomará la avecilla viva, el
cedro, la grana y el hisopo, y los mojará con la avecilla viva en la
sangre de la avecilla muerta sobre las aguas corrientes; y rociará
siete veces sobre el que se purifica de la lepra, y le declarará
limpio; y soltará la avecilla viva en el campo.” Las dos aves son
usadas para el sacrificio como un mensaje que proclama el Mesías
Yeshua, quien fue sacrificado y muerto hasta derramar agua y
sangre. La segunda ave, sumergida en agua y sangre pero luego
dejada libre, es una figura del Mesías emergiendo de las
profundidades de la tierra, con visibles muestras de muerte. Lo
mismo ocurre con los dos carneros de Yom Kipur. Los dos
carneros idénticos son un signo del Mesías, que aunque eran dos
físicamente eran vistos como uno solo. El primero es sacrificado y
muerto en expiación por nuestros pecados, hecho el mismo pecado.
El segundo carnero es dejado libre como muestra de la
resurrección. Lev.16:10.
Yeshua es nuestro sumo sacerdote. Ofreció su sangre por nosotros.
Debemos entonces celebrar esta fiesta aunque reconocemos que ya se
cumplió proféticamente? La única y segura respuesta es SI, entiéndase bien el sentido ceremonial fue cumplido en la persona de el MESIAS Cristo cumplio todo esto no sepuede repetir ahora bien este dia debe de traer reflesion en nuestras vidas.
es bueno en la iglesia de el SEÑOR considerar que el prcio fue tremendo y que este DIOS es Santo y en Santidad de vida debemos de presentarnos ?hemos perdido en la iglesia de el Señor este sentido yo creo que si es un dia de reflesion
es bueno en la iglesia de el SEÑOR considerar que el prcio fue tremendo y que este DIOS es Santo y en Santidad de vida debemos de presentarnos ?hemos perdido en la iglesia de el Señor este sentido yo creo que si es un dia de reflesion
el sumo sacerdote entraba al lugar más íntimo y secreto del
Tabernáculo. (Hebreos 9: 6-7) . Durante el ritual el sumo sacerdote
aparecía tres veces delante del pueblo, y en las tres ocasiones
recitaba una confesión para que todos la escucharan. La primera la
hacia a favor suyo, la segunda a favor de la tribu de Leví, la tribu
de los sacerdotes, y la tercera a favor de todo el pueblo. Esta
confesión incluía por única vez también en el año la proclamación
del Nombre de Dios encuadrado en las letras YHVH. Cada una de
estas proclamaciones llenaba de temor y expectativa a la gente,
quien esperaba una señal de haber sido perdonados por YHVH
para comenzar entonces un nuevo año completamente renovados y
en paz con el Eterno Padre. Hoy, cuando Yeshua con su sangre nos
dio paso para entrar confiadamente en el lugar Santísimo, es
increíble y triste pensar como se ha perdido el temor de Dios. La
confesión de nuestros pecados parece ser algo ligero, sin mayor
importancia. Que perdimos? Primero, al no obedecer el mandato
de YHVH con el cumplimiento de sus Fiestas, perdimos el
entendimiento y la comprensión de la importancia no solamente de
este día de ayuno y reflexión, sino de toda esta época de T’Shuva o
retorno a Dios que nos prepara para el fin cuando se cumplan
totalmente las profecías de cada una de las Fiestas. Si no estamos
en el calendario de Dios, no podemos reconocer su voz profética!!
3. El gran día: Si el Padre nos dio un día especial para dedicarlo a la
revisión de nuestra relación con El y pedir perdón por nuestros
pecados este es el día en que su oído estará atento a nuestro
clamor. Por ser el día mas solemne del calendario Judío, ha sido
llamado el gran día
4. El día de Ayuno: La orden del Padre incluye que sea un día en que
aflijamos nuestro cuerpo con ayuno, un día de reposo donde
estamos solo El y yo. Tres veces fue ordenado el ayuno: Lev.16:29,
23:27 y Números 29:7.
5. El día del gran shofar: En Yom Kipur suena la trompeta conocida
en Hebreo como el shofar Ha-Gadol . Al sonido de este shofar se
refiere Isaías 27:13 : “Acontecerá también en aquel día, que se
tocará con gran trompeta, y vendrán los que habían sido
esparcidos en la tierra de Asiría, y los que habían sido desterrados
a Egipto, y adorarán a YHVH en el monte santo, en Jerusalén.”
Hay tres días específicos donde el shofar suena de manera especial:
El primer toque de shofar asociado al día de Pentecostés. El ultimo
toque del shofar o la ultima trompeta, el día de Rosh Hashana o
Yom Teruah, y el día del gran shofar, el día de Yom Kipur.
6. El día del cierre de las puertas: Es una tradición Judía pensar
que el día de Yom Kipur se cierran las puertas del Cielo, abiertas
desde el comienzo de T’shuva para recibir el arrepentimiento de
quienes anhelan ser limpios y reconciliados con el Padre. Cuando
suene el gran shofar el día de Yom Kipur, los nombres de quienes
tuvieron este día de arrepentimiento ya aflicción, estarán inscritos
en el libro de la vida.
Recordemos hoy las palabras del Profeta Jeremías: “Así dijo YHVH:
Paraos en los caminos, y mirad, y preguntad por las sendas antiguas,
cuál sea el buen camino, y andad por él, y hallaréis descanso para
vuestra alma .Mas dijeron: No andaremos”. Jeremías 6:16 .Volvamos
con obediencia a la palabra de Dios. Parece mentira que lo que tanto nos
sorprende y condenamos acerca de los fariseos de la época de Yeshua que
habían dejado los mandamientos del Padre para seguir tradiciones de
hombres, sea el principal fenómeno de nuestros días en nuestras iglesias,
cuando solo por seguir enseñanzas de hombres, dejamos atrás los días
ordenados por el Padre.
La Fiesta de Yom Kipur o día de la expiación fue ordenada por YHVH a
su pueblo Israel y como vimos, el mandamiento es a perpetuidad. Eres
parte de Israel? Fuiste llamado a ser parte del pueblo escogido por
YHVH? Dedica entonces este día de Yom Kipur a reflexionar, humíllate
en su presencia, haz un alto en tus actividades y como dice su palabra:
“ocupaos en vuestra salvación con temor y temblor.” (Fil. 2: 12_
Yeshua entregó su vida para que pudieras ser parte del pueblo escogido,
tal como lo confirma la Escritura en Efesios 2. No rechaces este
privilegio. Solo recuerda las palabras de Levítico 23: 26 “También habló
YHVH a Moisés, diciendo: A los diez días de este mes séptimo será el día
de expiación; tendréis santa convocación, y afligiréis vuestras almas, y
ofreceréis ofrenda encendida a YHVH. Ningún trabajo haréis en este
día; porque es día de expiación, para reconciliaros delante de YHVH
vuestro Dios. Porque toda persona que no se afligiere en este mismo día,
será cortada de su pueblo Y cualquiera persona que hiciere trabajo
alguno en este día, yo destruiré a la tal persona de entre su pueblo.
Ningún trabajo haréis; estatuto perpetuo es por vuestras generaciones en
dondequiera que habitéis. Día de reposo será a vosotros, y afligiréis
vuestras almas, comenzando a los nueve días del mes en la tarde; de
tarde a tarde guardaréis vuestro reposo”.
Después de la muerte y resurrección de Yeshua, los apóstoles celebraron
la Fiesta de Yom Kippur o día de la expiación? Si, la prueba la tenemos
en el libro de Hechos cuando Pablo, años después de su encuentro con
Yeshua y casi al final de su ministerio, dice en hechos 27:9 "Y habiendo
pasado mucho tiempo, y siendo ya peligrosa la navegación, por haber pasado ya el
ayuno, Pablo les amonestaba" La referencia al día de ayuno es sin duda una
referencia al día de Yom Kippur o día de expiación, ya que es el nombre
con que se le conoce. Esta referencia además establece la época del año
en la que ocurren estos hechos, ya que el día de expiación corresponde al
tiempo de otoño.
Se que muchos pensaran que el día de expiación o el día de confesar los
pecados y presentarnos frente al Santo de Israel, puede ser cualquier día
ya que después de Yeshua el acceso al trono es para todos los creyentes.
Es cierto, cualquier día podemos presentarnos delante del Padre, pero este
PRESENTARAMOS DELANTE DE EL!. Hay diferencia, verdad? Es
una cita que YHVH nuestro Elohim nos puso… vas a cumplir la cita? O
continuaras haciendo tu voluntad y no la del Padre Eterno?
YHVH es el mismo ayer, hoy y por los siglos!. Son las enseñanzas de
los hombres las que cambian……. La palabra de YHVH permanece para
siempre! SHALOM.
con permiso desde el monte de Efrain.
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