Pondering Hebrews 12:16-17
In Hebrews 11 we met all the heroes of the faith. In chapter 12 verses 16-17 we meet the anti-hero of the faith, in the person of Esau.
- That there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. 17 For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears.
Who is Esau?
Esau עֵשָׂ֗ו (Hebrew meaning ‘hairy’) was the firstborn son of Isaac and Rebekah. Rebekah who had been barren for many years became pregnant with twins and from their time together in the womb they have been in conflict with each other. Even their descendants remained in conflict with each other (Obadiah 1). Even before Esau was born a prophecy was made that the elder (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob).
Esau grew up as a skilled hunter like Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-9). There is a negative description of Nimrod in Jewish tradition (Targum Jonathan) “began to be mighty in sin, and to rebel before the Lord in the earth.” Jacob, in contrast, stayed home to look after the family (Genesis 25:27). This is a summary statement of the life of Esau and Jacob before Jacob fled to Laban.
One day Esau returned from hunting and he was very hungry. As the firstborn, he could have gone to any tent and ask for food. But he happened to go to Jacob, who asked for the Birthright as the firstborn in exchange for a bowl of lentils. Esau despised the birthright, along with all the privileges and covenantal blessing (Genesis 25:29-34) and sold the birthright to Jacob.
Basic Time Line
* We do not know when Jacob bought the birthright from Esau. Personally, I suspect it was after Esau married the foreign wives, but it could have been before that.
- At the age of forty Esau took two wives from the local Hittite people, Basemath and Judith, and they were a source of grief to his parents (Genesis 26:34-35).
- When Isaac was getting old he became near blind, and despite the prophecy about the sons (Genesis 25:23) and the sale of the birthright, he asked Esau, his favourite son, to prepare a meal, after which he would bestow the Covenantal blessing. Overhearing this promise Rebekah persuaded Jacob to deceive Isaac, and obtain the blessing. Isaac bestowed the blessing on Jacob, which included the land and it meant that Jacob would be the head of the family. While Esau had not cared for it, he now realised his mistake and asked for a blessing (Genesis 27:34).
- He also married Mahalath, a daughter of his uncle Ishmael (Genesis 28:9), perhaps as an appeasement to his parents who hated his Hittite wives.
(Jacob flees to his uncle Laban (Genesis 28:1-5) and stays there for 14 years.)
- It is during that time that Esau extends the family again by marrying Adah (Hittite) and Oholibamah (Hivite) and finally he marries Basemath (Ishmaelite) (Genesis 36:2-6).
- Esau and the family move to Seir, south-east of the Dead Sea in modern Jordan and moved outside the Promised Land, recognising Jacob’s right to the land.
Wives of Esau
Esau, in sharp contrast to his father, had six wives. Some commentators try to make it three wives by claiming each had two names (Rashi), others claim four wives (Ibn Ezra & Rashbam), while others make it five (Nahmanides). Finally, some claimed he had six wives (R. Abraham Maimuni the son of Maimonides).[For more details on the rabbinical interpretation see Reuven Klein’s article “The Wives Of Esau” in the Jewish Bible Quarterly Vol. 42, No. 4, 2014 (211-220).]
How many wives did Esau take? They are mentioned in Genesis 26, 28 and 36.
- Basemath a daughter of Elon the Hittite Genesis 26:34.
- Judith a daughter of Beeri the Hittite Genesis 26:34.
- Mahalath a daughter of Ishmael Genesis 28:8-9.
- Adah a daughter of Elon the Hittite, Genesis 36:2-6.
- Oholibamah a daughter of Anah the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite Genesis 36:2-6.
- Basemath, Ishmael’s daughter, the sister of Nebaioth Genesis 36:2-6.
A plain reading indicates six wives, including two sisters. The point of the genealogy of Genesis 36 is not to indicate new names, but to indicate that through these additional wives Esau established the nation of Edom.
Note that Hebrews 12:16 describes Esau as immoral. The literal meaning is fornicator; it would indicate that besides the six wives Esau was in the habit of having sex with others. Again note the contrast, Esau’s father Isaac only had one wife, his mother Rebekah. Esau had six wives and still, that was not enough.
Repentance versus Regret
Esau realized that he had not only sold the birthright but also the blessing that went along with it. Now he sought to get the “blessing” back with tears, but these were not tears of repentance. There is no biblical verse that indicates that Esau repented of his godless attitude or of his disregard for the birthright. Therefore this is not true repentance, but remorse for the loss of what might have been a physical blessing to him. As such, even with tears, he was saying that he wanted the inheritance, but he was not willing to acknowledge the wrong he had done.
It might be better to say Esau regretted the decision to sell the birthright but not to the point of repentance. Warren Wiersbe in his Bible Commentary Vol 1 on Genesis 27-28 (page 102) writes this: “Esau’s tears were not tears of repentance for being an ungodly man; they were tears of regret because he had lost the covenant blessing. Esau wanted the blessing but he didn’t want to be the kind of man whom God could bless!”
Friends may we seek God and be like the Heroes of the Faith, and strive to be the people that God wants to bless.
Shalom in Messiah