lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

predicacion apoc 14

 Es un privilegio seguir estudiando Este libro sin perder el animo.
? No sé si vosotros ya os habéis cansado?
Pero os recuerdo que tenemos una Hermosa promesa  que podemos ser bendecidos  cap 1:3 ? 3Bienaventurado el que lee, y los que oyen las palabras de esta profecía, y guardan las cosas en ella escritas: porque el tiempo está cerca. 

Estamos  en que ?en el cap? 14
Os sigo recordando que no todos los capítulos guardan un orden cronológico de los acontecimientos  que se van tocando, así que a veces podemos ir adelante en las profecías otras veces retrocedemos si entendemos esto nos va a resultar mas fácil su estudio
Es mi oración que tú no te desanimes si algo no se entiende el Espíritu Santo a veces nos refrena en algo, quizás por que no es el momento pero todo cuanto damos todo lo que estamos tratando en esta parte de la biblia va a tener su cumplimiento o está teniendo su cumplimiento         ?por qué?
     No hay otro  espíritu de la profecía, ……..tenemos una amiga que es una admiradora de NOSTRADAMUS (vidente frances 1555 predice lo que pasara)……….
otros amigos de la señora WHITE(fundadora  de los adventistas) ni Mahoma, ni  Buda, ni el Papa,  ni culturas Incas,  ni Adtecas  ni ningún INDIVIDUO  POR MUY VERSADO QUE SEA,pude darnos un paronama profetico fiable.
Cuando dices esto las personas te tachan de ……..cuadrado?    Poco tolerante.
 Oramos    Leemos  cap 14:1-20
Este capítulo que tenemos delante de nosotros  es como el índice de un libro ?sabéis lo que es esto?
Las cosas que van a ser tratadas son puestas al comienzo de tal manera que tu cuando quieres mirar vas al incide y descubres donde quieres ir
 Bueno lo que se va a tratar en los cap 15-16-17-18-19-20
Esta resumido aqui,o sea lo que sucederá esta ene este capitulo como sucederá esta en los capítulos POSTERIORES   ?que sucederá   entonces?
Primero  la inauguración del  milenio del v1-v5
La proclamación del evangelio eterno por unos ángeles como último recurso
La caída de Babilonia.
El juicio final
Asi que daremos un poquito de cada cosa con la aplicación correspondiente para nosotros
Los primeros cinco versículos son como un respire y un alivio en la profecia,el plan de el mal no va  a permanecer .
Del v1 al v5 encontramos  En contraste con las bestias anteriores, aquí (v. 3) aparece la figura del Cordero,  Lo rodea el pueblo de Dios, que entona un cántico nuevo de alabanza por la salvación obtenida, sin lugar a duda esto corresponde  o es una anticipación   ¿de qué cosa?
Cuando el Señor Jesús regresara a la tierra vemos al cordero sobre el monte de Sion  (Jerusalén) DICE QUE APARECERA ENEL MONTE DE LOS OLIVOS Y ESTE SE PARTIRA EN DOS DANDO LUGAR A UN VALLE este es el lugar donde reinara POR ELLO LA CIUDAD DE JERUSALEN ES llamada la ciudad de el gran REY.
Aquí  vemos  a los   con 144000 junto a él,   estos salieron de la gran tribulación , cada uno de ellos estuvo sellado frente a la oposición y entraran al reino  creemos que son las mismas personas mencionadas en el cap7 estos seguirán al cordero por donde quiera que vaya
 han podido sobrevivir en medio de la mentira en medio de una sociedad corrupta donde las condiciones morales serán tales que la idolatría y la rebeldía contra Dios  y sus leyes serán la moda ellos son especiales en ese tiempo Dios tiene algo especial para ellos
Dice que entonaban un cantico Nuevo y nadie podía cantarlo  la pregunta es
?que cantico será? Seguro que será un cantico de liberación creo que cuando estemos con el Señor podremos entender, pero ellos han pasado por una experiencia bien singular han vivido durante esos años de tribulación y han permanecido fieles.
 Dice el v4-5 son primicias en el reino la primera cosecha, en ese tiempo hermoso de el milenio, algo que llama la atención y se ha querido apretar la tuerca demasiado
......son VIRGENES  no implica que las relaciones matrimoniales son un grado inferior,  no esto no es así  esto va en contra de lo que dice hebreos 13:4   
4Honroso es en todos el matrimonio, y el lecho sin mancilla; (coito) sin malicia,  mas á los fornicarios y á los adúlteros juzgará Dios.
Estas personas no se casaron pero no por que el  ser célibe sea un grado mayor,  si no que en esos tiempos estará todo tan corrompido que hasta esas relaciones creadas por Dios  tendrán connotaciones idolátricas  como en los días de SODOMA Y GOMORRA.
Así que no ensena que ser célibe(?..            ) Es mejor, esto es lo que ensena la iglesia católica romana pienso que es una equivocación todo texto tenemos que aplicarlo a su contexto.
ASI QUE EL SENOR REGRESARA A SION   que es Jerusalén  daremos esto en el cap 20 solo dos referencias  isaias 24:23 . 
23La luna se avergonzará, y el sol se confundirá, cuando Jehová de los ejércitos reinare en el monte de Sión, y en Jerusalem, y delante de sus ancianos fuere glorioso. 
Salmo 2………………….6Yo empero he puesto mi rey Sobre Sión, monte de mi santidad.
7Yo publicaré el decreto: Jehová me ha dicho: Mi hijo eres tú; Yo te engendré hoy.
8Pídeme, y te daré por heredad las gentes, Y por posesión tuya los términos de la tierra.
9Quebrantarlos has con vara de hierro: Como vaso de alfarero los desmenuzarás
Esto tendrá su cumplimiento cabal en el milenio.
Encontramos una enseñanza aquí.
Y  esta primera parte es como un ánimo para el creyente no importa la situación que tengamos que vivir, y que rumbo pretenda tomar la historia de los hombres  EL REINARA
Y vemos que ha habido personas fieles a el estos 144000 estos son un ejemplo para que nosotros como dice la epístola de PEDRO
  permanezcamos fieles en toda nuestra manera de vivir no importa la situación contraria que tengamos que vivir es mas el creyente fiel siempre esta navegando en contra de la corriente
Pero  teneos una esperanza que no avergüenza como dice Pablo a los romanos porque es el Espiru santo el que ha puesto esto en nuestros corazones
¿Es esa tu esperanza??por que te desanimas cuando las cosas no salen como quieres.?
Mira lo que dice el versículo            v12……………………………….
 Desde los versículo  6 hasta el final  vemos el ministerio de ángeles y se nombrara varios de ellos yo cuento como seis     en este capitulo
  En este libro vemos ángeles por todo lugar verdad pero llama la atención  que el Señor use ángeles para dar el evangelio y es bueno que estemos un ratico aquí.
   Durante nuestro tiempo o sea ahora el evangelio es dado a través de los hombres  2corintios 5:17-20 y 5:2017De modo que si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura es: las cosas viejas pasaron; he aquí todas son hechas nuevas. 
18Y todo esto es de Dios, el cual nos reconcilió á sí por Cristo; y nos dió el ministerio de la reconciliación. 
19Porque ciertamente Dios estaba en Cristo reconciliando el mundo á sí, no imputándole sus pecados, y puso en nosotros la palabra de la reconciliación. 
20Así que, somos embajadores en nombre de Cristo, como si Dios rogase por medio nuestro; os rogamos en nombre de Cristo: Reconciliaos con Dios.
ESTA RESPONSABILIDAD ES DE LOS HOMBRES HOY y hasta ahora ha sido asi desde que el señor mando a sus doce apostoles.
Ahora bien en la época que estamos considerando la iglesia no estará en la forma que está……. ahora es la idea de los hermanos que habrá sido arrebatada.
   O también que las persecuciones serán tan fuertes que el  testimonio de el evangelio será casi imposible poder vivirlo y poder congregarse libremente como lo estamos haciendo ahora  ya que conlleva el martirio, no quiere decirse que no habrá convertidos por qué os acordáis que sale una gran multitud que nadie podía contar esto lo estudiamos en el cap 7
  Pero en ese tiempo creer en CRISTO  conllevara la muerte  casi inmediata. LO MISMO QUE OCURRE AHORA EN ARABIA SAUDITA,AFGANISTAN,IRAN, SOMALIA ,COREA DEL NORTE ETC
Solo los 144000 y quizás algunos mas podrán sobre vivir pero en comparación con la población mundial es un número muy reducido no llegaría no a un O.O1%.
Estamos hablando de un tiempo que las manifestaciones  SOBRE NATURALES POR PARTE DE SATAN   serán fuertes.
Bueno Dios va a usar a ángeles para esta tarea  el Señor sigue amando a el ser humano y usara  unos  o ángeles para ello,
PARA PREDICAR EL EVANGELIO DE EL REINO  al final de la tribulación   y de una forma cumplirá este ángel  el sentido literal de lo que el Señor dijo en Mateo 24:14 
14Y será predicado este evangelio del reino en todo el mundo, por testimonio á todos los Gentiles; y entonces vendrá el fin.
(así que aquellos que dicen que en estos días son algunos ángeles lo que dan el mensaje no hay base bíblica, hasta la fecha no se puede usar este pasaje para decir esto SUCEDERA SOLO EN ESE TIEMPO PARTICULAR DE LA HISTORIA DE LOS HOMBRES
Porque menciono esto  menciono algunos MORMONES     ADVENTISTAS  así lo dicen
O como  EL ISLAN (Mohamed     recibe EL  CORAN  revelación de el ángel Gabriel)   todo esto es producto de la mente humana mejor dicho……….
El tema de este evangelio volverá a lo  básico v7…………………………….
En un tiempo sospechamos en que la evolución biológica, sin un creador  será algo común en las personas.
Lo que el ángel esta diciendo no es ni más nimenos  lo que dice
Romanos 1:1818Porque manifiesta es la ira de Dios del cielo contra toda impiedad é injusticia de los hombres, que detienen la verdad con injusticia,…………………….
v2020Porque las cosas invisibles de él, su eterna potencia y divinidad, se echan de ver desde la creación del mundo, siendo entendidas por las cosas que son hechas; de modo que no tiene escusa.

Proverbios 9;1010El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría; Y la ciencia de los santos es inteligencia
Loa hombres y mujeres deben de  temer a Dios  en vez de a la Bestia  deben de darle gloria a EL  en vez de a la imagen  idolátrica
Reusar reconocer su responsabilidad en presencia de un Dios creador  y  personal es lo que les condenara
 DENTRO DE EL CONTESTO DE ESE EVANGELIO ETERNO SE ANUNCIA V8…….. La caída de babilonia  esto lo veremos en el cap 18
BABILONIA REPRESENTA  el sistema creado por los seres humanos desde su comienzo donde tendrá su culminación en los días finales
Con un sistema económico político y religioso global.
 Dios  desea proclamar que el sistema económico y político que se levanta como esperanza para la humanidad y que el hombre confió en ello esta llamado a CAER  como cayo la primera babilonia la ultima pasará también
  De la primera BABILONIA   quedan en nuestros días solo una ruinas de unos hermosos jardines por cierto después de la guerra de Iraq ya de eso quedo poco.
Cuando Dios anuncia algo es como si ya hubiera sucedido.
Todos aquellos que niegan  verdades como es sacrificio expiatorio  en la sangre de Jesús
 La concepción  virginal de el hijo de de Dios
 su resurrección literal formaran parte de esa falsa religión curioso que ya hay círculos en Los cuales molesta hablar de la sangre de JESUS para perdón de pecados es poco ético.

Nos damos cuenta  que  la predicación del evangelio ETERNO   no es que sea diferente no hay dos clases de evangelio   si no que tiene connotaciones  diferentes, en la proclamación EN ESTE CASO SON ANGELES lo que lo están ministrando ,dado la situación particular que se esta viviendo y quedando poco tiempo para el finalde el tiempo.
Se advierte contra la adoración de la bestia     V9………….V10.
HAY UN MENSAGE DE ESPERANZA PARA LOS QUE MUEREN POR CAUSA DE EL SENOR V13………… es la segunda bienaventuranza………………………SALMO 116….estimada es a los ojos de JEHOVA  la muerte de sus santos.
Un hermoso pasage 2corintios 5;6-86Así que vivimos confiados siempre, y sabiendo, que entre tanto que estamos en el cuerpo, peregrinamos ausentes del Señor;
7(Porque por fe andamos, no por vista;)
8Mas confiamos, y más quisiéramos partir del cuerpo, y estar presentes al Señor.

Que nadie te robe esa esperanza……………………….
Vemos el deseo ferviente de nuestro Dios que quiere que no vengan a condenación y agota el último recurso porque sigue amando a los hombres y mujeres de el mundo el infierno no es hecho para el hombre si no para SATAN  Dios no envía a nadie al infierno el propio ser humano ELIGE ESA OBCION AL RECHAZAR LA GRACIA EN JESUCRISTO.
 La tierra segada v14 v20
La hoz se usa solo en la siega y esto habla de juicio y que este es  severo y agudo
V14………La persona que se muestra aquí es el Señor Jesús   Daniel 7:13-14  
13Miraba yo en la visión de la noche, y he aquí en las nubes del cielo como un hijo de hombre que venía, y llegó hasta el Anciano de grande edad, é hiciéronle llegar delante de él.
14Y fuelle dado señorío, y gloria, y reino; y todos los pueblos, naciones y lenguas le sirvieron; su señorío, señorío eterno, que no será transitorio, y su reino que no se corromperá.
V15……….v16…..La hoz se usa solo en la siega y esto habla de juicio y que este es severo y agudo
V18…….La  vendimia indica un juicio de castigo por lo cual lo que se recoge en el gran lagar de la ira de dios
Encontramos temas agrícolas para manifestar esto Apocalipsis 14:16 En la Biblia, tanto la siega o cosecha de cereales (v. 14-16) como la vendimia o cosecha de uvas (v. 17-20) son símbolos del juicio divino (Jer 51.33; 33Porque así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: La hija de Babilonia es como parva; tiempo es ya de trillarla: de aquí á poco le vendrá el tiempo de la siega
  cf. Mt 13.39-42). 3………………..9                                  Y el enemigo que la sembró, es el diablo; y la siega es el fin del mundo, y los segadores son los ángeles. 
40De manera que como es cogida la cizaña, y quemada al fuego, así será en el fin de este siglo. 
41Enviará el Hijo del hombre sus ángeles, y cogerán de su reino todos los escándalos, y los que hacen iniquidad, 
42Y los echarán en el horno de fuego: allí será el lloro y el crujir de dientes. 
43Entonces los justos resplandecerán como el sol en el reino de su Padre: el que tiene oídos para oír, oiga.
La mayor iniquidad que existe es el desprecio al pago obtenido por el perdón de nuestros pecados, no es cosa ligera esto, en nuestros días  no se menciona el infierno el castigo eterno no es ético en nuestros días pero es una realidad que la escritura deja  claramente.
Habla de un fuego eterno, que nunca se apaga………..

La  vendimia indica un juicio de castigo por lo cual lo que se recoge en el gran lagar de la ira de Dios
Que profundas  resultan las palabras  del versículo v15……… parte final  v18………………..parte final
La madurez      es no hay más  tiempo el tiempo se agoto llego la hora en la cual tendrán que dar cuenta al creador cuantos en nuestros días se escudan en las palabras
 Es que yo no soy religioso………..
yo me pregunto qué tiene que ver la religión con el compromiso que cada ser humano tendrá que tener con su creador es una forma de evitar responsabilidades.
Da tristeza que esto pase como hace algunos días conversando con alguien decía es que ami no me llama todo esto no me sale el pedir a DIOS porque no creo que existe
En cambio su pecado estaba corriendo más que él y le estaba sacando ventaja su propio pecado le alcanzo y le engancho lo que él consideraba que es una palabra religiosa lo tenía atrapado en su propia miseria y estaba pidiendo ayuda pero no aquel que esta dispuesto a perdonarlo.
Hebreos 9:27 27Y de la manera que está establecido á los hombres que mueran una vez, y después el juicio……………………………………… esto religión
Y en ese día la pregunta será  que  hiciste con mi HIJO   CRISTO-JESUS   ¿Por qué?
 porque es EL el que ha de juzgar a vivos y muertos y todo juicio se le dio a EL

juan 520Porque el Padre ama al Hijo, y le muestra todas las cosas que él hace; y mayores obras que éstas le mostrará, de suerte que vosotros os maravilléis.
21Porque como el Padre levanta los muertos, y les da vida, así también el Hijo á los que quiere da vida. 
22Porque el Padre á nadie juzga, mas todo el juicio dió al Hijo;
23Para que todos honren al Hijo como honran al Padre. El que no honra al Hijo, no honra al Padre que le envió. 
24De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que oye mi palabra, y cree al que me ha enviado, tiene vida eterna; y no vendrá á condenación, mas pasó de muerte á vida.
EN EL CAPITULO 25  de mateo del 31-46 menciona  ese juicio de las naciones y el Señor deja claramente la eternidad del infierno, en el mismo capitulo que estamos tratando el v11……….  ¿como que hay tantos en el día de hoy que suavizan el termino?
¿Quizás no están en el HIJO DE DIOS? No somos quien para juzgar pero al creyente lo le asusta esto.
Es por eso que el escritor de 1juan 4:17 17En esto es perfecto el amor con nosotros, para que tengamos confianza en el día del juicio; pues como él es, así somos nosotros en este mundo. 
¿Tienes tú esa confianza?
Es por ello que la pregunta que siempre te hago ¿estas en el Hijo de Dios?    ………….. bueno voy a la iglesia,…………… si está bien pero la pregunta no es esa      ¿ESTAS TU EN EL HIJO DE DIOS?
No solo hago esta pregunta aquí ahora yo me la hago cuando la tentación la prueba la situación contraria viene a mi vida
¿Valentin  estas tú en el HIJO DE DIOS? …………… Señor yo predico bueno está bien………… pero esa no es la pregunta
Por que decimos esto
 Porque el que tiene al Hijo tiene la vida y el que no tiene al Hijo de Dios no tiene LA VIDA  esto nos lo dice 2 juan 5:12
                                                                                                         Un saludo: V.orden

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

predicacion apc13

Apocalipsis 13:1-18
(Antes de leer………)
Un pequeño recordatorio de lo dado hasta la fecha,  había mencionado el domingo pasado que desde el cap6….hasta el cap. 11  habíamos  estudiando la tribulación bajo el punto de vista de DIOS  EL PADRE.
El cap. 12  y 13 bajo el punto de vista de     SATAN…. ¿Os acordáis?....o sea estamos estudiándolo bajo el punto de vista de SATAN
Deseo aclarar aquí algo, proclamamos en las iglesias a JESUCRISTO EL HIJO DE DIOS, como único y suficiente SALVADOR   y en este libro de apocalipsis muestra la VICTORIA  de Jesucristo sobre todo y todos, esta es la proclamación que tenemos que hacer y que hacemos.
 Ahora bien, tenemos que estudiar esta parte que habla de la estrategia del maligno  de  SANTAN pero  no tenemos ninguna simpatía por este ser, ni queremos proclamar absolutamente nada de EL  cuanto más lejos mejor. 
Pero…….. Como dice Pablo a los CORINTIOS    2 corintios 2:11…………….pero no ignoramos sus maquinaciones,……….
La ignorancia de sus artimañas puede acarrearnos problemas así que en ese sentido nos conviene estudiar su trayectoria, por algo se menciona aquí en apocalipsis   ………..?Se entiende?       ¿Está claro?   ¿Alguna pregunta?
Bueno si vosotros no preguntáis yo lo hare    ¿sabríais decirme una de las leyes de la guerra?
Bueno según efesios 6:12………….tenemos lucha contra principados y potestades en las regiones celestes.
Oramos  leemos:
Habíamos terminado el cap. 11 con las palabras del v17…………………….nos dio a conocer el plan de el dragón ¿ HACER GUERRA……………contra el creyente
Habíamos dicho que el Dragón es (símbolo de…………la serpiente antigua…v9 cap. 11
Bueno el cap13 explica el método que el dragón (diablo) empleara para cumplir con lo que ha resuelto hacer……….
En los últimos días, es lo que estamos estudiando  usara dos BESTIAS  como los mejores instrumentos para realizar sus propósitos,
Una salida del mar es símbolo de las naciones gentiles, otra de la tierra el falso profeta.
Hay tenemos la TRINIDAD  diabólica    el DRAGON, el diablo (haciéndose pasar por dios)
  LA BESTIA QUE SALE DEL MAR (el anti-Cristo haciéndose pasar por CRISTO)
 LA BESTIA QUE SALE DE LA TIERRA   EL falso profeta    (haciéndose pasar por el que ensalza a Cristo, y testifica de CRISSTO  el Espíritu Santo)   esta es la gran mentira en la cual muchos creerán.
El es el gran imitador ……………….EL IMITARA EL PLAN DE DIOS, usando instrumentos dirigidos por el, esta es la gran BLASFEMIA  pretender hacer y decir lo que no es de DIOS, este plan está llamado a fracasar, pero desgraciadamente muchos son los que lo creerán.

La mayoría de las tradiciones más antiguas continúan sin interacción de capítulos y dicen Se plantó.
Apocalipsis 13:1 Según diversos ms., las palabras Me paré (o se plantó) sobre la arena del mar forman parte del cap. anterior, como su v. 18.
……siete cabezas representa la culminación de todos los imperios que ha habido desde que el mundo comenzó su historia,     el ultimo estará formado por diez cuernos significa DIEZ  poderes como nunca hubo en la historia de los hombres, una confederación  de reinos capitaneados por el anti-Cristo este último no lo vamos a poder identificar esta noche cuando estudiemos el cap. 17 creo que sí,
Su forma es difícil de describir si quisiéramos pintarla tendríamos problemas v2……..   Sería así               MIRAMOS PROYECTOR.
Bueno ya en el libro de DANIEL PODEMOS ver esta bestia él describe cuatro la ultima es esta, leamos todo el pasaje. 
 La bestia que sale del mar reúne las características de las cuatro bestias de Dm 7.1-8. Si leemos  en el mismo cap. 7; 23-25 esta última bestia está representando lo que dice en apocalipsis.  
Estas bestias representan cuatro imperios tres de ellos ya pasaron  queda uno todavía
Hubo un rey hace muchos siglos que tuvo un sueño  en el cual se le mostro lo que había de acontecer al final de los tiempos y no había nadie que pudiera interpretar su sueño ¿          Nabucodonosor………..EL VIO UNA IMAGEN COMO ESTA  cabeza de oro
, pecho y brazos de plata,
Vientre y músculos de  bronce,
Piernas de hierro,                                                      
Pies en parte de hierro y en parte de barro
EL profeta Daniel  Le dijo el sueño y su interpretación  el sueño miremos en DANIEL 1:36-45
Interesante que el último imperio será hierro mezclado con barro     (foto de los pies)……….esto es lo que describe en apocalipsis
Y es en los días de estos reinos que aparecerá el SENOR JESUS.
HASTA los días de DANIEL   había habido dos imperios EGIPTO, ASIRIA,
Hay tenemos siete cabezas, pero este ultimo primero será una confederación de 10 HABLA DE LIMITACION,
Esta última bestia reunirá todas las cualidades de las anteriores como el LEOPARDO representando a lo rápido y ágil en las conquistas como GRECIA  en tiempos de Alejandro magno que solo ya a la edad de 24 anos conquisto el mundo conocido.
, OSO  fuerza y estabilidad,  es lo que fue el imperio persa
 LEON   ferocidad, a medida que conquistaba, es lo que fue el imperio babilónico.
Así que esta bestia  tendrá Rapidez como nunca se vio, estabilidad como nunca se conoció, y codicia en su grado máximo.
Recordemos que esta bestia empezara su carrera, como persona que trae la paz, diplomático con diplomacia y astucia podrá solucionar el eterno conflicto árabe  israelí esto ya lo habíamos estudiado en el cap11.
Esta será su carta de presentación, persona, movimiento, o grupo, ya en el capitulo 6:2 2Y miré, y he aquí un caballo blanco: y el que estaba sentado encima de él, tenía un arco; y le fue dada una corona, y salió victorioso, para que también venciese,
Tendrá poder trono y gran autoridad………………….       (Varones de RENOMBRE, encontramos ya esto en la torre de babel como en la rebelión de Core en el desierto contra Moisés) todo intento de rebeldía esta caracterizado por esto, en cambio la autoridad de CRISTO  tiene un significado diferente.
DESPUES DE VER SU CARTA DE PRESENTACION VEMOS SU ESTRATEGIA  IMITADORA  es ahí donde está la blasfemia     (pretender hacer pasar como DIOS)  
CON maravillas, con palabras, con adoración V3  al versículo 6 da una serie de por la cual engañara a muchos,  
V3………No podemos entender bien todo esto pero es posible que fue algo bien importante ya que se repite v12, v14,  hemos dicho anteriormente que él; es el gran imitador el pretenderá imitar al CORDERO QUE FUE  INMOLADO  Señor Jesús  pretender sufrir y después simular una resurrección de tal forma que  la gente se maraville, como medio de convencer a la gente que él es digno de adoración.
  Apocalipsis 13:3 Como herida de muerte: La misma expresión griega se aplica al Cordero en Ap. 5.6; aquí la bestia aparece como una grotesca caricatura de aquel. BLASFEMIA
Y  esta es realmente la blasfemia  despreciar el sacrificio y la resurrección del HIJO DE DIOS  en vista de que la cabeza herida pudo sanarse.
Aun es de suponer que la bestia tomara para sí el nombre de Cristo o Salvador tratando de suplantar
V5 v6   gran orador blasfemo  en la visión que Daniel vi de la bestia Daniel 7:25 
25Y hablará palabras contra el Altísimo, y á los santos del Altísimo quebrantará, y pensará en mudar los tiempos y la ley: y entregados serán en su mano hasta tiempo, y tiempos, y el medio de un tiempo.
2 tesalonicenses 2:4 
4Oponiéndose, y levantándose contra todo lo que se llama Dios, ó que se adora; tanto que se asiente en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose parecer Dios
Pretenderá  quitar toda la revelación y los tiempos marcados por DIOS……..?Qué locura verdad, que la criatura pretenda eliminar al Creador, esta es la locura de el diablo pero desgraciadamente el ser humano le acompaña y le acompañara…………….. Dios le permite esto con un objetivo…………

EN SU AYUDA vendrá  el falso profeta  su ayudante  de cámara v11-14   ESTA ES LA GRAN IMITACION
Os dais cuenta uno de los ministerios de el ESPIRITU SANTO   es glorificar a Cristo y llevar a las personas a adorar a CRISTO  esto lo podemos encontrar en    Juan 16;7-15……. leerlo en casa
Bueno el falso profeta apunta al ANTI-CRISTO  y en definitiva adorar a SATANAS
Tiene dos cuernos semejantes a un cordero el cuerno es equivalente  a poder y dignidad tendera este doble poder
No tiene poder político pero si religioso, en sí mismo no será nada pero deriva su poder su autoridad de otro.
Se presenta como cordero (apariencia benévola inofensiva)
Hablara como dragón  indicando que este es gobernado por el diablo.
V12……………….este será el vocero del anticristo que esta es la función de un profeta manteniendo a la primera bestia al fondo no en el frente
Este falso profeta que su energía se deriva de Satanás   ara maravillas como los testigos  Comp. 13:13 con  11:5.
Deuteronomio 13:1-3CUANDO se levantare en medio de ti profeta, ó soñador de sueños, y te diere señal ó prodigio, 
2Y acaeciere la señal ó prodigio que él te dijo, diciendo: Vamos en pos de dioses ajenos, que no conociste, y sirvámosles; 
3No darás oído á las palabras de tal profeta, ni al tal soñador de sueños: porque Jehová vuestro Dios os prueba, para saber si amáis á Jehová vuestro Dios con todo vuestro corazón, y con toda vuestra alma.
4En pos de Jehová
 EL Señor Jesús ya predijo esto  en mateo 24:2424Porque se levantarán falsos Cristo, y falsos profetas, y darán señales grandes y prodigios; de tal manera que engañarán, si es posible, aun á los escogidos. 

 Es el encargado que todo el mundo adore a la bestia.
En su esfuerzo por seguir imitando fijaros lo que hará  desde el principio el SENOR   sello a los suyos  apocalipsis 7:……….3             apoca 14:1 sistema
 Apocalipsis 13:16 Una marca: imitación burlesca
Para conseguir:
Sistema económico mundial
Donde habrá  un poder POLITICO
Un poder religioso
Un solo pensamiento la unificación
Se ha hablado mucho de ese número y se ha dado toda serie de interpretaciones  apuntando personas  instituciones  son solo especulaciones pero creo que cuando llegue el tiempo hasta un niño pequeño lo entenderá
Solo nosotros  podemos decir que el numero 6 REPRESENTA A EL SER  HUMANO PUES FUE EL DIA SEXTO QUE FUE CREADO.
 En capítulos posteriores geográficamente veremos donde surgirán estas bestías.
 Esta es la forma y la estrategia      FUTURA DE LO QUE SERA ESTE PODER (personalmente creo que esto está cercano)
Dios va a permitir que les haga guerra a los santos y los venza  v7 v8.
  Como creyente uno puede clamar como aquellos   del  cap. 6:10 10Y clamaban en alta voz diciendo: ¿Hasta cuándo, Señor, santo y verdadero, no juzgas y vengas nuestra sangre de los que moran en la tierra? 
? Hasta cuando  SENOR  tantos y tantos siervos están dejando su vida por causa del evangelio?
Dios le permite a Satanás todo lo que él desea, in ese tiempo aun más claramente………?cual es la enseñanza?   ? Que puedo aprender de todo esto?
Por un lado
LA  vindicación del plan de Dios será un canto en el universo.
Por otro lado esto nos quiere ensenar a ti y a mí lo que dice la parte final del v 10…………………………
PACIENCIA Y FE  no nos gustan verdad  pero mira lo que nos dice
 1 Pedro 2:6-7 6En lo cual vosotros os alegráis, estando al presente un poco de tiempo afligidos en diversas tentaciones, si es necesario, 
7Para que la prueba de vuestra fe, mucho más preciosa que el oro, el cual perece, bien que sea probado con fuego, sea hallada en alabanza, gloria y honra, cuando Jesucristo fuera manifestado: 
Porque el espíritu del anti-Cristo ya está en el mundo
 Dice 1Juan 4:3 3Y todo espíritu que no confiesa que Jesucristo es venido en carne, no es de Dios: y éste es el espíritu del anticristo, del cual vosotros habéis oído que ha de venir, y que ahora ya está en el mundo.
V8……………puedes decir esto habla de un tiempo que vendrá no te creas DIOS  te habla a ti……v9….para EL si no estamos escritos en el libro de la vida estamos adorando a la bestia  ya             ¿estás tú en JESUS?
Yo estoy voy a la iglesia doy mis ofrendas canto etc.   
¿Estás en él?
Permitirme poneros un ejemplo  por un lado está la VOLUNTAD DE DIOS POR OTRO LA VOLUNTAD DE EL DIABLO O estamos en uno o en otro
 déjame decirte que por naturaleza todos estamos bajo la voluntad de el diablo…………… importa lo buena persona que yo me pueda sentir ……….
 Pero fíjate lo hermoso CRISTO  el HIJO  de Dios ha aparecido para cumplir la voluntad de DIOS, si tu y yo estamos en EL  estamos cumpliendo la voluntad de el Padre y por tanto libre de condenación
Es hermoso verdad tu y yo tenemos la facultad de elegir el diablo no ya va a condenación  él desea llevarse muchos a su lugar.  
Que esto nos haga pensar  lo que dice 1juan 5:12  12El que tiene al Hijo, tiene al vida: el que no tiene la Hijo de Dios, no tiene la vida. 
Saludos:             v.orden

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012


So, we see this beast, his ancestry, his authority, his acclaim, and his adoration. There's more to come, but that's for next time.
Listen, would you carefully? After studying all of this stuff for two weeks, you know, you get pretty sick of it. And I think that's part of the motivation I had in wanting to speak on the love of Christ this morning. I wanted to get away from this Antichrist to the true Christ. And as I was thinking about the true Christ who is to come in contrast to this horrible figure, I was so thankful to the Lord that I will meet Him, the true Christ, and not the Antichrist. And I was rummaging through some of my material and searching for something that might exalt Christ and I came across the words of that great preacher of the past generation, Joseph Parker. Listen to what he says.
"There are all kinds of people wanting to know about Jesus Christ. Philosophy calls in to see what He is. Kings pause a moment on their royal processions to ask questions about Him. And all kinds of poor people want to know where He is that they may speak to Him a prayer. In fact, such prayers have come from almost every door. And when they find Christ...says Joseph Parker...they find that His not a painted majesty, His is not a gilded dominion, His is not a great comet like blaze of transient splendor, it is a monarchy built on beneficence. It is thus Jesus will reign, not to destroy, not to kill, not to massacre." Joseph Parker says, "He will reign to help the poor and the needy, the woman and the child, the far off and the destitute, the misunderstood and the friendless. And He reigns not by force of chariots and multitudinous horses, not by the grandeur of His earthly state, but by that loving sympathy which understands everybody. And ultimately...writes Parker...nothing can hinder Him putting on His head crown after crown until all other kings no matter who they are look petty beside His majesty."
Antichrist or Christ, who is your king?
Father, we thank You that our King is Christ. Even as we said this morning, we would desire to know the riches of Your surpassing grace that are ours in Christ. This wicked evil king to come who will deceive and destroy the world is not our king, Jesus Christ is our King. I pray that every heart here can say that, can say that without doubt and without question and without fear. And that some day our King will come for us and take us out of this world before the reign of terror of that king. And even those of us who will because they will believe in days ahead will have to suffer under his reign of terror will be preserved, their faith will not die. Some will enter into heavenly glory through his murderous power, others will be preserved to go into the kingdom alive. But this king cannot touch Your subjects, the subjects over which You alone are King. We thank You that You have made us Your subjects. And we do affirm as the revelation entitles You, You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we submit to You joyfully and gratefully knowing all that You have promised us, in our eternal inheritance. And, Father, give us a sense of responsibility to the world around us, to reach out to them who are presently subjects of the monarch of darkness, Satan himself and may well be subjects of Antichrist if they don't come to know our Lord. Speak to their hearts, Lord, reveal Christ and draw them to Him. We pray in His name. Amen.

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Whether it is the revival of the old Roman Empire and the man's ability to pull together the terrible discordant countries of Europe, which by the way seem to me to be fracturing more every day we live. We talk about a unified economy in Europe and a Euro-dollar, and they're all over there shooting each other. And it seems to be escalating. And if he can pull all of that together, that may constitute the amazement because of the reconstituted Roman Empire. Or it may well be that this individual deceives the world in some fake death. I actually have a hard time believing that this man will actually die and be raised from the dead because Satan can't do that. But I don't want to say it can't be done because if God chooses to do it, it can be done.
Now it does tell us in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 that the Antichrist will win the world over because of his power and his signs and then this, his lying wonders. His power, his signs and his lying wonders. Will there be some kind of an assassination of this world ruler who has reached the apex of power and then some kind of a resurrection? There's no evidence of that. There's no description of that.
Some people have said through the years that they think it's going to be a resurrected Judas. Well why do they say that? Because Judas is also called son of perdition in John 17:12 and that's the title of Antichrist in 1 Thessalonians 2:3. But frankly, folks, that could be a title given to any unbeliever.
Others say, "No, it's Judas because he's the only man called diabolos." John 6:70 Jesus said to him, "One of you is a devil," that's the only man he ever called a devil. And also Luke 22 says Satan entered into Judas. But that's all conjecture. Satan could enter into anybody. Satan entered into Ananias and Sapphira. And what would be the point of a resurrected Judas? Nobody would know it was a resurrected Judas because nobody knows what Judas looked like. That wouldn't be anything.
Furthermore, I believe that the resurrection, if it does occur, has to occur at the halfway point, not the beginning. So whoever this guy is he has already immensely gained power in the world so much so that he's useful to bringing peace at some level in the very first of the seals that's opened in Revelation 6. We see him conquering and bringing peace. And perhaps that's where he begins to show the tremendous ability that he has as he unifies the Roman Empire in Europe and it is that capability that causes the world to fall at his feet. And then indeed perhaps on top of that, there is some kind of a satanic ruse pulled off whereby he supposedly rises from the dead. We will, of necessity, speak more about this.
If you look at verse 14 maybe you'll get a little better insight into it, that the false prophet who comes alongside the beast deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given to him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. But notice that he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given to him to perform in the presence of the beast. Maybe one of the deceptions is that this individual is back to life, who knows whether it's real? It could be fabricated in many ways. Nobody else could do it. Stephen Spielberg could.
So, there's going to be amazement and it's going to bring him worldwide acclaim as he rises, as it were, from the dead and demonstrates his ability to bring back a whole empire. This has a potent effect. The whole earth was amazed, fascinated. And he will immediately become the idol of the world. Attractive, brilliant, charming, glib, strong, handsome, astounding powers, they are so traumatized and so enamored with him that they follow after him...they follow after him.
Paul describes something of that following. It says, "They follow after 2 Thessalonians 2:10...because they didn't receive the love of the truth so as to be saved, and for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false." Maybe what is false is that resurrection. But they believe it because they reject the truth and he becomes the recognized leader of the world.
So his ancestry, his authority, his acclaim, would you believe there's another "a" in here? His adoration, verse 4, his adoration. Fascination turns to worship. It's one thing to follow a man, it's something else to assign him deity. Verse 4, "And they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast and they worshiped the beast, saying, `Who is like the beast? And who is able to wage war with him?'" Yes, fascination turns to worship.
In fact, 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says that the Antichrist takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. He is not content with acclaim, he wants adoration. He is not content with respect, he wants reverence. He is not satisfied to be hailed and heralded, he wants to be worshiped. And so in verse 4 the witless people who will not love the truth of the gospel so as to be saved are deceived to the point where they literally worship this man as if he were God, and in so doing verse 4 says they worship the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast and they worshiped the beast. Reversing that, they worship the beast and in worshiping the beast they would up worshiping the one who gave his authority to the beast, namely the dragon. They become a worldwide group of Satan worshipers.
Do they know it? Some may, some may, probably most don't. I don't think this is talking about in the end time there's going to come worldwide overt Satan worship. I think what it's saying is there will be worldwide worship of this man which in effect is Satan worship. Some of them may truly worship Satan, but I think it's along the line of 1 Corinthians chapter 10 where Paul condemns the Corinthians for their engagement in any of the idol feasts that were going on in their culture because he says the things the Gentiles sacrifice to their gods, they sacrifice to demons. They didn't realize it but they thought they were worshiping an idol, they were really worshiping a demon and so it is here. These people who think they're worshiping this man are really worshiping Satan because he's the one who gives all the authority to this man. And that worship, by the way, is really the enterprise of the false prophet who is the cohort of the beast. He'll be introduced to us down in verse 11.
Go down to verse 12 for a moment. This second beast who comes out of the earth rather than the pit, he exercises all the authority of the first beast and what does he do? He makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose fatal wound was healed. His job is to make the whole world worship this man. That's his task. Over in verse 15, "There was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beast might even speak." Oh now we're getting a little deeper into this deception, right? Maybe what we have here is some kind of fake man that is only an image but somehow is given a voice so people think he's alive. But it is the task of the false prophet to make the beast believable as a resurrected God. And by the way, as many as do not worship the image of the beast are...what?...are killed.
So the worship is enforced by the second beast called the false prophet. He is further discussed in this book as we will see. And notice what they say, to show the complete and total devotion they have to the beast, they say this, "Who is like the beast? And who is able to wage war with him?"
What is the significance of such a statement? Just listen and you will know. Listen to this, Exodus 15:11, just listen, "Who is like Thee among the gods, O Lord? Who is like Thee, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, working wonders?" Listen to Psalm 35 and verse 10, "Lord, who is like Thee?" Listen to Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 18, "To whom then will you liken God? Or to what likeness will you compare Him?" Verse 25, "To whom then will you liken Me? says the holy one." Isaiah chapter 46 verse 5, "To whom would you liken Me and make Me equal and compare Me? says God." One more, Micah, you know this verse, "Who is a God like Thee?"
Well what I wanted to do was just to give you a feeling for something that I could have given you three times more verses to illustrate. All throughout the Old Testament it has been common to say in worship to God, "Who is like You? Who is able to wage war with You?" And so what you have here is mocking language. What you have here is evidence of the blasphemy that is indicated back in verse 1. Basically what they're saying is you are God, you take over for God. And they are blaspheming God.
I believe also there's another little interesting note. The name Michael, Michael means "who is like God." So there's a sense in which they are playing off of Michael's name in a blasphemous way.
So, we see this beast, his ancestry, his authority, his acclaim, and his adoration. There's more to come, but that's for next time.
Listen, would you carefully? After studying all of this stuff for two weeks, you know, you get pretty sick of it. And I think that's part of the motivation I had in wanting to speak on the love of Christ this morning. I wanted to get away from this Antichrist to the true Christ. And as I was thinking 


How will he become god to the world? How will he get so much power? Well they're going to be amazed at him. It says right there, they're going to be amazed, astounded. And they're going to follow him. Why? Well it seems to be connected to the fact that one of his heads is as if it had been slain and his fatal wound was healed. What does this mean? Well the word "slain," here is the very same word used back in chapter 5 verse 6. John saw there a Lamb standing as if slain, and that's the Lamb of God. This empire, one of its heads is going to bear a mortal wound, or the evidence of a mortal wound. The scar that would indicate a mortal wound. Look down at verse 12 of chapter 13, the middle of the verse. "He makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first beast whose fatal wound was healed." Now there's the commentary on what this is
. ABut that is precisely the same three animals that are described in the book of Revelation. Now why does Daniel describe the Babylonian kingdom in the way that he does like a lion? Well because of its fierce consuming power. Why does he describe Medo-Persia as a bear? Well obviously because of its ferocious strength and might and stability. Why does he describe Greece as a leopard? Because it moves swiftly and rapidly across the earth, particularly under the conquering of none other than Alexander the Great. And so the images of those animals, which by the way were common in Palestine...a bear and a lion, a mountain lion and a leopard. They give some dramatic emphasis to the character of the nations that are being shown to Daniel in the vision.
By the way, if you'll look at verse 7 again, there was a fourth beast, and this one is an indescribable one. It just says, "Dreadful, terrifying, extremely strong, with large iron teeth, devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet and it was different from all the beasts that were before it and it's the one that had the ten horns." That's Rome. So that parallels, doesn't it, the Daniel 2 image of the statue where the final form, Rome, was iron and it had the ten toes which are parallel here to the ten horns in this comparative image.
Now go back to Revelation chapter 13, we'll weave that in. Here we see again those same animals which were common to that part of the world, and I think that's why they're used. The leopard, the bear and the lion, but please notice, this time they are all embodied in the one beast. The power of Babylon in its greatness is there, the strength and stability, fierceness of Medo-Persia is there, the swiftness and the alacrity and speed of Greece is there. In other words, this final form of world government, a revived Roman empire, a final world empire that proceeds out of the old location of Rome to cover the globe embodies all the fierceness of all those prior world kingdoms.
One other interesting note, they're given in reverse order in verse 2. In Daniel it's lion, bear, leopard. Here it's leopard, bear, lion. And the reason is very simple, Daniel was going from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece because he was on the front end of it. John in seeing the image is going from where he is back from Greece to Medo-Persia to Babylon. And so they're simply placed in reversed order as John recites history looking at it from his viewpoint, Daniel recites it from his viewpoint before it happened, or while it's still in the form of Babylon. When Daniel described the world empires they were to come. When John describes them, they've already come and gone.
Now to everyone in the land of Palestine in Daniel's time and in the time of the writing of Revelation, these animals would combine all of the symbols of speed and ferocity and power and strength and tenacity and ravenous appetite and devouring, they would sum up everything that was wicked and evil and rapacious and vicious and frightening. And they are all embodied in this final form of world government, which was, in a sense, depicted by the Roman power which was in Daniel's vision in chapter 7 an indescribable beast even then, and it is equally indescribable here. That fourth beast, that unique one that doesn't have an animal name, was something beyond even an animal and here in its final form it is still beyond that though it encompasses all of the worst of those beasts.
So John is looking at the consummate vicious frightening empire. Satan then who is the god of this world brings into one all the fierceness of the others, all the powers of dominion to form a world government to stop Jesus Christ. And it's all headed up in this one individual called the Antichrist.
Now go back to verse 2. "And the dragon gave to him his power and his throne and great authority." The weird and wild messiah of the devil, somebody called him, has great power. That's talking about sheer force. He really can't be halted. God steps back and lets him run amuck. And there is no human element to stop him.
You say, "What about the holy angels?" They're called off. The Lord Himself lets them run their gamut. Not only do they have force but throne, that's regal dominion. They're absolutely in charge. This is not just a rebel army, this is not a coup being pulled off from the ranks. These powerful, powerful, demon spirits who have infested the world have immense power and they wield it from regal dominion. And then he says, "And great authority." That is they have a right to act, they have freedom to act, they have no accountability, they have no restraint, no one is stopping them from doing anything that they want to do. It's not like now. It's going to be during that time that Paul describes in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 when the one who hinders, who restrains steps back. And all restraint is gone. Remember now, all the demons of the universe are on the earth for the first time in human history. Out of the pit they've come, freed from their bindings at the Euphrates, the two hundred million and the ones in heaven cast down to the earth. They're all here and they're all free to act and God restrains absolutely nothing.
And at the same time they're creating their fury and harming people and killing people, the first batch of them that come out of the pit can only harm, the next wave of them can kill. And at the same time God is wreaking havoc by pouring out the fury of a collapsing universe on the heads of those in the world. The holocaust is unimaginable.
Some people always ask, and I think it's a legitimate question...what is the circumstance that allows this man to rise? How does he rise to this place of power? And I would just remind you that there need to be certain conditions to make this happen and I think we're right there, as I said in the very beginning, people want a man, they're looking for a leader. A dictator never thrusts his rule upon the people from the top down without some provocation. And inevitably a man rises to this kind of rule because of chaos. When the chaos gets so bad and there are no answers and no solution, you have the perfect situation for leadership to develop. That is true in any kind of leadership. Leaders are born in the crisis. Leaders rise in the midst of the unsolvable problems. Leaders come to the top when there are no solutions. It is in the frightening and horrible chaos of the world that this man is able to rise empowered by Satan and sees authority in the midst of emergency. So successful will his coup be that men will be thrilled by his masterly genius and accept the principle that only an imperial form of government will be able to give them lasting peace. They'll chuck democracy. They'll throw aside their freedoms just for peace. This man will come on the scene at the beginning of the Tribulation and he will bring peace which tells us that before that happens there's going to be utter worldwide chaos. That would mean that when the church is taken out of the world, it will most likely be in a time of great chaos.
Think about Germany in the mid nineteen thirties, I don't know if you go back to that time in your history in the things you've studied, but if you do you would find out that Hitler didn't just pop up out of nowhere. He didn't come from the top down. He came from the bottom up. Why? Because people in Germany in the thirties were in economic despair. They were in spiritual despair. There was political chaos. They were experiencing economic depression. Small business were collapsing all over Germany one by one in every city. Millions of people were out of work. It was a desperate time and people were looking for somebody to lead them out. And Hitler knew the mood of the people and the strategy of the moment. Adolph Hitler started out as a lowly corporeal, worked his way up in the Reichstad(?) until he was at last in charge of everything. He emerged from absolute and utter obscurity to become the central figure in the world and himself demon possessed. From that position of power which he gained because of the chaos, he plunged the whole of Europe into his bloody reign of terror which was a preview of what it will be like on a worldwide scale when the Antichrist comes. One greater than Hitler will arise out of the chaos that will prevail in the world and be a man of marvelous appearance, transcendent ability and indescribable magnetism. The problem is, he will be possessed and indwelt and moved by a demon out of the abyss. He will have great authority. The world will give the authority for all of it into his hands.
So his ancestry and his authority, thirdly his acclaim...his acclaim. Verse 3, "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast." And verse 4 says, "They worshiped the dragon." We'll talk about that in a moment fatal wound that was healed. Verse 14, the end of the verse, "The beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life." Chapter 17 verse 8, "The beast that you saw was and is not and is about to come up out of the abyss." And then verse 11, "The beast which was and is not is himself also an eighth and is one of the seven and goes to destruction."
Now all of this is telling us very clearly that this beast receives a mortal wound. It is said in chapter 13 verse 12 that it was the beast that was wounded, verse 14 the beast that was wounded, chapter 17 verses 8 and 11 the beast that was wounded. And here in verse 3 it says that one of his heads was wounded. That leaves us with a bit of a difficulty. One of the heads had a mortal killing wound. What does this mean? Well, first of all, let me let you know there are two options to choose from. The first is that it refers to one of the kingdoms that was destroyed and comes back. If we interpret it that way then it would be that the head that was wounded would be the head representing what empire? Rome which would be the fifth, the one that...the sixth rather, the one that was when John was writing which was devastated and destroyed. The Roman Empire, you know, was shattered, but it comes back to life. And that is the amazing miracle, the revival of the Roman Empire. That is the thing which amazes the whole world that this man can rise to recreate this confederacy of Rome, this revived Europe, this new Roman Empire. And from the great power exhibited in the European Common Market, the European Coalition, the New Europe, from the evidence of his immense ability to lead there which is going to mean that he's got to bring together western Europe and eastern Europe, those things are already in motion, that he's got to reconstitute that territory that once was the heart and soul of the Roman Empire. When he proves that he can do that, their amazement over his ability to accomplish that and to revive that once killed empire is going to cause the amazement of the world and therefore cause them to fall at his feet and simply say, "If you can do that there, have the world, will you? Take over all the rest."
That's very possible as an interpretation. What makes it somewhat difficult, it makes a lot of sense in verse 4...3 rather to interpret it that way because it's just one of the heads that's been slain, but when you go to those other passages you have the individual himself being slain. And then you have him coming up out of the abyss. Now where did we start this chapter? Well we started it with the devil standing on the seashore and this beast coming up out of the abyss.
Here's another option, that the Antichrist goes through the first part of the Tribulation and is killed. And he at that point is a great world leader, but he comes back and he comes back to life only when he comes back to life he's more than a great world leader. He is now empowered by a demon from the abyss.
Whether it is the revival of the old Roman Empire and the man's ability to pull together the terrible discordant countries of Europe, which by the way seem to me to be fracturing more every day we live. We talk about a unified economy in Europe and a Euro-dollar, and they're all over there shooting each other. And it seems to be escalating. And if he can pull all of that together


It is from this group, this ten kings that the Antichrist will arise. If you read Daniel 7 verses 7 and 8 and then down in to verses 19 to 25 of Daniel 7 and I'll just briefly show it to you because I don't want to get caught up in Daniel, as I told you last week, it's easy to do that. But in Daniel chapter 7 you see how this Antichrist rises from this...this confederacy of all these monarchs. There is a description of a beast in verse 7, the fourth beast in an image that Daniel sees there and this beast also has ten horns. And verse 8 says, Daniel 7, "While I was contemplating those ten horns, behold another horn, a little horn came up among them, three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man uttering great boasts." Here comes the Antichrist and somehow he rises out of this world confederacy of kings and in so doing disrupts three of them.
Down in verse 19 and following you have a further description of Antichrist. If go down to verse 24, we won't read all of it, you see, "As the for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise and another will arise after them and he will be different from the previous ones and subdue three kings." So somehow he comes out of this world conglomerate represented by the ten kinds. He rises out and somehow displaces three of them. He begins to speak out against the Most High, wear down the saints and he does this for a time, times and half a time, that's three and a half years. So there Daniel is describing for us that out of this confederacy comes this individual.
Also as we noted last time, in Revelation 13 and you can turn back to it, this beast is described as having seven heads and those refer, probably to the seven different world governments of the past...Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and then the final kingdom. And I'll say much more about that when we get to chapter 17 where that very description of the seven heads is further described.
Suffice it to say that John comments about them by saying this, they are seven kings, five have fallen one is, the other has not yet come. And what he means in chapter 17 verses 9 and 10 by that is that when John is writing five of these have already come...Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, of them is, that would be Rome which was in power at the time of John, and one of them is yet to come, that would be the revived Roman Empire, the world empire under the Antichrist.
The point is then here for us in chapter 13 that this kingdom which this individual is synonymous with because he is the ruler of it, this kingdom embodies all of the satanic power and all of the demonic influence of all the evil empires of the day in which it comes, and all of the strength and power of all the Antigod and Antichrist powers of the past. All of the worst of Antigod, Antichrist power and influence from all of human history clear to that very moment is summed up in this accumulated wickedness and force and power of this kingdom, consummated in this one great individual. It is the consummate wicked world empire, carrying the accumulated evil of all the empires of the past and of that very time itself and led by the consummate satanic king, the Antichrist.
Now I just say by way of a footnote, and I did mention some of this last time, there are many movements in the world today toward a single world. We talk about globalism all the time. That's very common, it's in the newspapers, the global village, the move toward unification of the world. It's a very difficult thing to pull off. There are people who are striving very hard to do it but there is that human depravity that even fights against, if you will, the purposes of Satan. And I don't know if you think of it that way, but it works that way. Satan would like to orchestrate a one-world government over which he has perfect and complete control, but he can't even get fallen humanity to cooperate. But extensive efforts are going on to create one-world globalism. Consequently we may expect increasing and less subtle promotion of one-worldism throughout our society from the highest levels of government to the classrooms of our youngest children. As the National Education Association has said, it is with...quoting..."It is with sobering awareness that we set about to change the course of American education for the twenty-first century by embracing the ideals of global community, the equality and interdependence of all peoples and nations and education as a tool to bring about world peace."
Now even forgetting for a moment the Antichrist, there are obvious moral consequences to finding one world. An integral part of the new global education is as Alan Bloome warns in The Closing of the American Mind, and I quote, "To force students to recognize that there are other ways of thinking," in other words, that's essential to globalism, "In order to establish a world community and train its members to be persons devoid of prejudice," end quote. Bloome's use of "prejudice," by the way, is tongue and cheek, for in the new community there can be no moral absolutes. It must, however, be labeled prejudice to suggest that one point of view might be right and another wrong, particularly with regard to religion. In other words, nothing is really right so nobody should have any opinion that is negative toward anything anybody believes.
The way to create globalism is to eliminate absolutes. Linda Falkenstein(?), for example, of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory says, quote: "Black and white answers probably never really existed, but the time is long past when even the myth can endure. Competent world citizens must act int he large zones of grays where absolutes are absent," end quote.
The most dangerous part of global education then will fall in the area of religion. It is especially in this area that the planners realize they must eliminate prejudice and they must introduce tolerance for all beliefs. By the way, the new curriculum in American public schools calls for teaching not religion which is forbidden, but teaching comparative religion which is a way of teaching tolerance of all viewpoints. Teachers, of course, can't even suggest that one religion might be wrong and another right, that would be against all the rules. One's choice of religion, after all, doesn't really matter since nothing is right and nothing is wrong. The concept that is now being called values clarification. It's going to be necessary to create globalism to eliminate dogmatism to eliminate truth. It's going to come as it's coming right now through every means possible in the secular world.
And so, John sees this image of a one-world government to be embodied in this one individual. You remember also there are ten crowns, ten diadems on these horns, which again indicate the regal dominion and earthly sovereignty of this confederacy. And then also on the heads were blasphemous names. World emperors have often usurped divine titles as if they were God, majesty, you hear them ....His majesty, the King...High and mighty this and that...Holy and sovereign this fellow and that fellow. They even demand that they be worshiped as God, such as the Caesars, such as Nebuchadnezzar and many others. And so this will embody all the blasphemy, all the false claims to deity and all of the temporal sovereignty of all of the monarchs and rulers of the past. Antichrist and his kingdom will be characterized by blasphemy.
So enough of his ancestry. Let's go to point two, his authority, verse 2...his authority. "And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority."
Now as John is looking at this vision he looks a bit more closely and he sees that this particular beast, this monster that comes up out of the abyss with these ten horns and seven heads and ten crowns and blasphemous names, also bears the likeness of a leopard and a bear and a lion. It's a very complex beast. Through the years of studying prophecy, it's been kind of humorous to look at all of the attempts to draw this beast and there have many, many of them. But each of them in its most simplest form is an effort to sort of defy what could be drawn reasonably because of the complexity of it.
But what is this point of these animals? Well let me just show you what it is. And again we have to remind ourselves of Daniel chapter 7. In Daniel 7, I'm just going to point out to you verses 3 to 7 because this is where the same image is given. When Daniel had his vision and God showed him the four great world empires to come, which would be Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, God then in Daniel 7 made those four world empires bear the image of animals, certainly the first three, anyway, as we shall see, that were common in the land of Palestine. And verse 3, "The four great beasts coming up from the sea, the first was like a lion, it had the wings of an eagle." The second in verse 5 resembled a bear. And the third in verse 6 was like a leopard. And then there are some other elements to each description.
But that is precisely the same three animals that are described