So, we see this beast, his ancestry, his authority, his acclaim, and his adoration. There's more to come, but that's for next time.
Listen, would you carefully? After studying all of this stuff for two weeks, you know, you get pretty sick of it. And I think that's part of the motivation I had in wanting to speak on the love of Christ this morning. I wanted to get away from this Antichrist to the true Christ. And as I was thinking about the true Christ who is to come in contrast to this horrible figure, I was so thankful to the Lord that I will meet Him, the true Christ, and not the Antichrist. And I was rummaging through some of my material and searching for something that might exalt Christ and I came across the words of that great preacher of the past generation, Joseph Parker. Listen to what he says.
"There are all kinds of people wanting to know about Jesus Christ. Philosophy calls in to see what He is. Kings pause a moment on their royal processions to ask questions about Him. And all kinds of poor people want to know where He is that they may speak to Him a prayer. In fact, such prayers have come from almost every door. And when they find Christ...says Joseph Parker...they find that His not a painted majesty, His is not a gilded dominion, His is not a great comet like blaze of transient splendor, it is a monarchy built on beneficence. It is thus Jesus will reign, not to destroy, not to kill, not to massacre." Joseph Parker says, "He will reign to help the poor and the needy, the woman and the child, the far off and the destitute, the misunderstood and the friendless. And He reigns not by force of chariots and multitudinous horses, not by the grandeur of His earthly state, but by that loving sympathy which understands everybody. And ultimately...writes Parker...nothing can hinder Him putting on His head crown after crown until all other kings no matter who they are look petty beside His majesty."
Antichrist or Christ, who is your king?
Father, we thank You that our King is Christ. Even as we said this morning, we would desire to know the riches of Your surpassing grace that are ours in Christ. This wicked evil king to come who will deceive and destroy the world is not our king, Jesus Christ is our King. I pray that every heart here can say that, can say that without doubt and without question and without fear. And that some day our King will come for us and take us out of this world before the reign of terror of that king. And even those of us who will because they will believe in days ahead will have to suffer under his reign of terror will be preserved, their faith will not die. Some will enter into heavenly glory through his murderous power, others will be preserved to go into the kingdom alive. But this king cannot touch Your subjects, the subjects over which You alone are King. We thank You that You have made us Your subjects. And we do affirm as the revelation entitles You, You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we submit to You joyfully and gratefully knowing all that You have promised us, in our eternal inheritance. And, Father, give us a sense of responsibility to the world around us, to reach out to them who are presently subjects of the monarch of darkness, Satan himself and may well be subjects of Antichrist if they don't come to know our Lord. Speak to their hearts, Lord, reveal Christ and draw them to Him. We pray in His name. Amen.
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