viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Easter or passover

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Richard Rives is the author of the book Too Long in the Sunand the Study Series Time is the Ally of Deceit, a book and 5 one hour DVDs. For more information

Richard Rives will be speaking at:
Easter or Passover
by Richard Rives

It is common knowledge among theologians, historians, and linguists that the word Easter is a translation of the name of a pagan fertility goddess. So how did the name Easter find its way into our Bibles?

Here’s how. When Martin Luther wrote his German Bible, he substituted the name of a Germanic fertility goddess in place of the word Passover in Acts 12:4.

The name of that goddess was Ostern. Later, when William Tyndale translated the Bible into English, he picked up on Martin Luther’s usage of the name Ostern and placed the name Ester in his Bible - the name of the spring fertility goddess recognized by his English readers.

It is interesting to note that where Hebrew and Greek manuscripts referred to what we now recognize as Passover, Tyndale used the word Ester. 
Where do we get the word Passover? Well, Tyndale realized that there was a problem with the word Easter and is responsible for coming up with the English word Passover.

Later when the King James Version of the Bible was produced, its translators were under constraints concerning proper nouns, or names. 
While using the word Passover in other locations just as Tyndale, King James’ translators placed the name Easter in Acts 12:4.

Up until the time of Tyndale, and the King James version of the Bible, those reading Acts 12:4 in Greek, Latin,
German, and other languages, read the words that conveyed the meaning of Passover.

Why is this important? The crucifixion and resurrection of our Savior occurred at the Biblically prescribed time of Passover and not at the time mere men have chosen as the date for Easter.

Earnestly contending for the faith once delivered to the saints; I’m Richard Rives with Just the Facts.

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Learn the little known facts about what was taking place in the Roman Empire during the formative years of "Traditional Christianity."
Today Contemporary Christianity has not only allowed truth to fall, but it has thrown truth in the street as a gesture of religious tolerance and compromise.  It has given the adversaries of scripture exactly what they need to substantiate their claims that what most present as Christianity is nothing more than redefined pagan mythology.  Educated theologians know that; yet they continue to present a compromised gospel filled with pagan tradition that never had anything to do with Christ.  There has never been a more important time in the history of mankind for those called out as servants of our Creator to confront the philosophy and vain deceit that would lead people away from our Savior.
Join Richard Rives, author of the book Too Long in the Sun, for an overview of historical events that led to the abandonment of Biblical precepts and their replacement by Traditional Christianity.

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Time is the Ally of Deceit - The Book and 5 DVD Set...

Richard Rives

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