lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2020

..........THE BOOKS WERE OPENED (DAN 7:10b)

The truth that I will face God as Judge determines how I live. If I do not believe God is my judge, Ican live any way that pleases me. I am accountable only to myself, able to determine what is right for me. But when I know that one day I will stand before my Creator, who knows everything about me, who I am and what I have done, this life matters more. I do not take good things for granted. I measure my thoughts, words and deeds against His standards, not mine. I quickly realize my own efforts can never meet His standards; therefore, I humbly seek the rescue He provides in Christ. I anticipate everlasting life and great reward. I am eager to invite others to this bright and beautiful future. I do not fear my Judge. I love Him.

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