sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Mateo 5: 27 ( en ingles)

I'd like us to bow in prayer and invite the Lord to especially bless our study. Father we do come to You now because we would not gather together to hear of man's wisdom, we would not come together to have our ears tickled, something that fits our fancy but we would have You speak to us. Open the Word so that we can understand it, enrich our hearts, fill us with the truth that can meet every need, enrich us by Your Spirit as we learn tonight. Pray that we might not hear a human voice but that we might hear You speak, and we'll thank You, in Christ's name, Amen. We're looking at Matthew chapter 5 in our study. For tonight we're going to look at the passage in verses 27 through 30, Matthew chapter 5 verses 27 to 30. While you're turning to it and getting ready for our study let me say that in the 5th chapter of Matthew our Lord answered the question in the forefront of the minds of the people who had seen His miracles, the people who had heard some of what He had said and were really wondering whether He wag the Messiah. They were curious about whether this miracle worker was in fact the One who would bring God's kingdom. There were certain elements in the teaching and the life and ministry of Jesus that made them think He might be the Messiah, and so they were quizzical. They wanted to know if He was. They wanted also to know what His standards were for His kingdom. They were curious to know that if He was the Messiah He should pretty well square with what Moses said, and so they were curious about how He viewed the things of the law of God, the things of Moses. Now Jesus summarized His message to them in verses 17 through 20 of chapter 5. He said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you,' Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." In other words what He was saying was this, I am the Messiah and My message is the same message that Moses gave you, not any different. I would not change it, I would notdestroy it, I would not alter it; I came to fulfill it. Then He went a step further. He said the standards for My kingdom must exceed the standards that you are now living by, verse 20, "1 say unto you that except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes: and Pharisees, you shall in no case enter the kingdom of heaven." Now there was the basic standard that Jesus gave. That He required for His kingdom a righteousness beyond that of the scribes and Pharisees, and by the way they were the most righteous people in the Jewish society. And so He's saying, what I ask is more than they asked, but not more than Moses asked, and not different than Moses. I have not come to alter the law or to change the law but to fulfill the law, and the law in itself demands more than you are now giving. It is a higher standard. As far as the people knew the scribes and the Pharisees were the most righteous so this was a very hard saying for them to understand. They did not understand how He could require a higher righteousness than that of the scribes and Pharisees. And still accept Mosaic law because they thought the scribes and the Pharisees lived the law of Moses to the hilt. And so their question is, if You believe in Moses, the question in their minds, and You believe in the law of Moses how can You require a greater standard than the scribes and Pharisees who teach us the law of Moses? And as we've been learning in past weeks the fact is, though the scribes and the Pharisees sat in the seat of Moses, and though they claimed to be the proponents of the law of Moses, the truth was they themselves had lowered the law of Moses to their own design and were not even keeping that which God originally intended. And so Jesus comes to lift the standard back where it was in the beginning. Now this is hard for the people to understand and so point by point the Lord goes through verses 21 to 48 giving them illustrations of how the scribes and the Pharisees and the people as well fell short on every aspect of God's absolute standard. He wants them to see that the people were not living up to God's standard they had lowered the standard and He wants to raise it back to where it really should be. And in effect as you know if you've been with us what He does here is destroy any system of self-righteousness. You see what man tends to do is this, if he doesn't wanna come God's way he creates his own god, he creates his own religious system, says this is what is required, this is what I'll accomplish, therefore I am justified when I do it. He drags the law of God down to something he can do, does it and then com... convinces himselfhe's okay. Typical today ah, situation would be where a man...you confront a man uhm, what are you going to do when you die? Well I, I hope I'm going to heaven. Well on what basis would you go to heaven? Well I'm a pretty good guy and after all if I've been pretty good all of my life uh, God certainly will take me to heaven. In other words you invent the kind of god you want with the kind of standard you can keep, keep it and then you'll justify yourself. And what we say to a person like that today is, you know, that's not the way it is. The standard of God is too high, you can't keep it, and that is exactly what Jesus is saying. The scribes and the Pharisees invented a standard lower than the divine one, figured out how they could keep it, kept it the best they could, therefore convinced themselves they were righteous, and Jesus says, not on your life unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees you'll never enter into My kingdom, and this is not a violation of Moses, this is not adding to Moses, this is not changing the law of Moses, this is just reiterating where Moses put it in the beginning. Let's get it back where it belongs. And that is really what He's doing throughout the 5th chapter. And as we come to verses 27 to 30 He is giving another illustration of how the people had lowered the law of Moses and how He must lift it back up again in order to destroy their self-righteousness. And what He does throughout this chapter is contrast the righteousness they thought they had with the true divine standard, and thus He literally strips all men and women stark naked, spiritually speaking, before God. They have no claim of self-righteousness left. Now let's look at the illustration in verses 27 to 30. We've already seen the one on murder, here is the one on adultery. Verse 27, "Ye have heard that it was said" the phrase there by them of old, which is in some of your versions is not in all the manuscripts, but it is probably picked up because it's used so frequently in the chapter. It really reads, "Ye have heard that it was said," But of course He has reference to their traditional teachers, them, of old, the ancients who had taught them, so you can put it in in italics I guess because He does have reference to that. But He says, "You have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery." This is what your tradition taught you, this is what the rabbis have said, this is what the scribes and the Pharisees have said, and you have been told that this is God's standard, if you just don't commit, adultery you're righteous. "But" verse 28, "I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." In other words Jesus says, their standard is too low, let's put it back where God intended it, God never was really concerned about the act only but more so about the attitude behind the act. And in verse 29 He gives them a solution, "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, cast it from thee; for it's profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." In other words you're a lot better off to cut off your arm or to pluck out your eye if it leads you to sin. And sin is not simply what you do it is what you feel and think in your heart. And so the second example that our Lord uses is the example of adultery. And He is really saying to a self-righteous person, you can't say because you didn't do it you're alright, if you ever thought it you're wrong. If you ever lusted, if you ever desired to commit this sin, you're a sinner and you are not righteous and you cannot claim righteousness. Just as back in verses 21 and 22, they said, thou shalt not kill, but Jesus said, whoever is angry with his brother is in danger of hell. I'm telling you it isn't just a matter of whether you do the murder it's the issue of what you feel in your heart, and here He is saying exactly the same thing only using another illustration. In verses 21 and 22 His illustration was the 6th commandment, and here in verses 27 and 28 His illustration is the 7th commandment. Now the underlying principle of the 6th commandment, "Thou shalt not kill," is the sacredness of life. The underlying principle of the 7th commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," is the sacredness of the basic unit of life, marriage. And so He picks out these two illustrations "Thou shalt not kill," which speaks of the sanctity of life, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," which speaks of the sanctity of marriage. And He says you are not righteous before God if you've ever been angry or if you've ever thought a thought of adultery. And what He's trying to do is show them how really sinful they were no matter what the outside of their behavior. And so His concern here is the sanctity of marriage. In verses 27 to 30 He deals with the spirit of marriage, and in verses 31 and 32 the law of marriage. The spirit of marriage and the law of marriage, and tonight we'll begin to look at the spirit of marriage as we see His comments on the sin of lusting and committing adultery in your heart. Let me just say another word about the two illustrations He begins with. Anger and sex are two very powerful things; they really reach deep down into human experience. They aptly illustrate the sinfulness of man. In fact I doubt whether there are any two illustrations that are more apt than these two to really cut us to the very core. We've all experienced the temptations of anger and lust, very common and they reach deep into the basic sinfulness of man. And those Jews who were sitting on the hillside in Galilee just as we who are gathered here tonight, hearing the Lord Jesus Christ confronting them about their anger and about their lust, in their hearts would have to admit by virtue of their own consciences that they indeed were sinners, and the fact that they never killed anybody and the fact that they never actually did the act of adultery didn't exonerate them from the sinfulness of sin which reigned in their hearts. Jesus wants to go right to the heart of man and show them that no matter what they've done they can't fit into His kingdom. And so Jesus sets a high standard. Just the fact that He says that anybody who looks on a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart is a tremendous statement to somebody living in our society today, when the temptations are so vast. Temptation has always been around, didn't matter whether a woman was covered from head to foot in a long robe such as in the East in that time and had a veil over her face, the temptation would still be there as Satan would move in. And there would always be those things with which the devil would use...which the devil would use to generate lust and which the flesh would pounce upon to initiate the temptation. But it seems to me that in the society in which lee...we live ah, the temptations are, are so much more rampant and so much more visible and so much more common all around us because of the virtueless society that we live in. It's amazing to me that even the churchthat calls itself the Church of Jesus Christ panders to people in the area of sex. I read today in the Los Angeles Times uh, a two page article about the new effort in the Methodist Church to teach sex. And it went on to tell about one such sexual ah, what they call ah, sex, I think they called it Sexual Activity Class or something where everybody was naked and rolling around on a bed, all in the name of instructing people in this issue. It went on to talk about how that the Methodist Church decided they ought to change some of that and so they had appointed certain ah, sex teachers who were going around giving everybody instruction in sex. Frankly folks, that's ludicrous. I believe that sex in marriage, in the beauty of which God has designed it was meant to be a very per­sonal discovery. Not something plastered all over billboards and taught in classes and, and ah, presented in books. I think it's something very private, something very special, something very unique, and I think that the fact that we pander it and propagate it and sell it and teach it and talk about it incessantly all over the place, all that does is just illicit evil responses out of the heart of evil men and evil women. It doesn't do anything to help the situation. We find explicit sex seminars and explicit sex books running the gamut, people constantly preaching on the subject and talking about the sub­ject and advocating this and that and I've heard the most strangest kind of counseling supposedly coming from men of God that I, I just...boggles my mind. I heard one man who is a minister and who represents a Christian community speaking around saying that couples ought to take a shower together before they get married so they'll know what they're getting into. That kind of counsel is just exactly the thing that Jesus is saying right here is so wrong, and nothing more than a manifestation of sinfulness. A person who gives that kind of counsel has a problem and it's not too tough to figure out what it is. I don't think ever in the history of the Western world since the death of Greek and Roman paganism have we seen the unbridled indulgence of sexual passion so encouraged and so illicited and so praised as we do today. You might be interested to know that this past week the American Civil Liberties Union, which takes up all kinds of civil rights causes, is now suing to remove restrictions on x-rated movies so that children can attend them. Because they feel that this is the Year of the Child and children have rights like everybody else. It won't be long until you're gonna have to take your television and put your foot through it, frankly. Mass media lures with sex to sell its products and glamorizes illicit pleasure. Sex crimes are at an all time high; divorce, infidelity and perversion are being praised and are subjects for humor in our society. Pleasure first philosophy is rampant, hedonism is in full force, monogamous marriage is threatened, faithfulness is laughed and ridiculed and mocked. And we could spend hour after hour just illustrating that but it's not necessary, you know it's all around you. I have to avoid even looking at a magazine rack, I wouldn't ev...I don't even go and buy a magazine anymore cause I don't even wanna bombard my mind with what is there, just on the cover le alone the stuff inside. A new morality has been espoused by church men such as Bishop Robinson in England and others and Joseph Fletcher and Harvey Cox with Situation Ethics saying that right is relative and whatever feels good you ought to do as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else. And our whole society is literally sex mad. It's just that we are so preoccupied with sex it's beyond belief. C. S. Lewis has a great illustration. He says you can get a large audience together for a striptease act; that is to watch a girl undress on a stage. And he says, if that doesn't indicate how warped our view of sex and our view of womanhood is imagine it this way, suppose you went to a country where you could fill a theater by bringing in a covered plate on the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let everyone see and just before the lights went out there it contained a mutton chop or a piece of bacon. Wouldn't you think that something had gone wrong with their appetite for food? Now why should we think that it's any different in our society when we get all out of shape because somebody takes off their clothes? The playboy philosophy is nothing but a mutton chop mentality, it's a perversion. There's something wrong with us, there's something deep down inside that's wrong, and it's being pandered and played to in our society. Hugh Hefner comes along and says, why get all ex...upset about sex, it's only a biological necessity like eating, drinking and sleeping? That's not new, that kind of philosophy comes right out of the past, right out of Greek and Roman paganism. In First Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 13 the Apostle Paul reiterates that philosophy as he confronts the Corinthians about their preoccupation with this evil sex thing. And here is what the...here is what they were saying, verse 13 of first Corinthians 6, "Foods for the body, and the body for foods." Now that was a little, a little phrase they were saying. Somebody would come along and say well you know you shouldn't do that, that's evil. And they'd say, well, "Foods for the body, and the body for foods." What they mean is it's only biology. It's a kind of a little proverb they used. Well sex is only a biological thing, that's all. "Foods for the body, and the body for foods." It's just biology that's it, like eating, sleeping and drinking. Well it says, "God shall destroy both it and them. Because the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body." The body is not just biological, it is spiritual and it belongs to God, he says to the Corinthians. You just can't give your body over and say, it's only biology. That's the mutton chop philosophy, that's the playboy philosophy, you can't do it. The body is not for fornication; the body is for the Lord and the Lord for the body. Don't you know verse 15 says that your bodies are the members of Christ? Would I take the members of Christ, and make them them the members of a harlot? Or a prostitute, and that's anybody who has illicit sex, would I do that? "Don't you know that one who isjoined to a harlot becomes one body? And he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit." So if you go to a harlot; you enter an adulterous situation, you join the Lord to that sin. It isn't just food for the body, and the body for food, and in verse 18 he says, "Flee fornication." Porneia, evil sexual behavior. The view that sex is only a biological urge and you gotta live it up enjoy it, Situation Ethics, don't be restrained, don't be inhibited, live it up, with whoever you want--it's just biology anyway. That philosophy is literally drown our society in a sea of sexual perversion. It has bombarded us with a barrage of propaganda that is shattering homes, destroying families, ruining individual lives, destroying the capability of an individual to do what is right unless he has completely committed himself to Jesus Christ, which just debo...debauches the society at a rapid rate. Relationships have been replaced with perversions, concern has been pr...replaced by concupiscence, love has been replaced by letchery. That's the way it is in our society. And on the other hand whenever you talk about sex, you not only have the people who lean up in their chair because it's their favorite subject, but you also have the people who grab their Bible and head for the door, they're rather prudish about it and that's the Victorian view, you know they want to go so far the other way they say sex is shameful, it's depraved, it's less than holy. And by the way this is done even today and it's, it's been done in the past. A very famous person in church history by the name of Peter Abelard who lived from 1079 to 1142. He was a theologian from Brittany, he was a great man of God in his early years. He fell in love with a, a lady named Heloise who was one of his students. Unfortunately committed the sin of fornication with her, she got pregnant and had a baby, after which he married her to try to make the thing right. They felt however that their marriage hindered their spiritual growth and they felt that sex in and of itself even within marriage was an evil thing so they separated--she entered into a convent and he was castrated by his wife's uncle, placed in the Monastery of Saint Denis. There was another man in the time of 185 to 254, a famous church father by the name of Origen, 0-r-i-g-e-n. Origen's writings have come down to us today and are very helpful. This famous church father was reading Matthew 5 verses 27 to 30, the very text we're looking at tonight, and was so overcome with the sinfulness of his own lust that he too went out and had himself castrated, literally castrated himself in order to prevent that lust. You wanna know somethin'? It didn't help. It didn't do away with it. That's not the answer. It's...you can't go to the extreme that's it's biology and you can't go to the other extreme, that, that castration or whatever, mutilation will solve the problem, it won't. And one is just as much a perversion as the other. Because God has wonderfully designed this as a part of human life. In First Corinthians chapter 7 and verse 3 the Apostle Paul discusses something of it, he says, "Let the husband render to the wife her due;" and he's talking about the physical relationship, "likewise also, the wife unto her husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband; and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. Stop depriving one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that you may give yourselves to prayer; and then come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your lack of self control." In other words he says you have every right and every responsibility to give your body to each other in the fulfillment of sexual desire, that's within marriage, God's design. In the Book of Proverbs God deals with the same thing, chapter 5 and verse 15, "Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well." In other words enjoy the married situation, stay away from the harlot, the strange woman that he talked about earlier in chapter 5, who will destroy you, drink out of your own cistern, running waters out of your own well. "Let thy fountain be dispersed abroad, and rivers of water in the streets. Let them be only thine own, and not for strangers with thee." Don't give your seed to a stranger. "Let thy fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind (or deer) and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love." Now God has designed this, a physical relationship, and He has sanctified it and blessed it. In the Song of Solomon God goes ah, on and on in that wonderful letter and revealed ah, inspired way to tell us the beauty of human love in a marital situation. And so it is that this is pure and right, but our world has made a mutton chop out of it. We have gone into some kind of a twisted, jaded, letcherous perversion. And this of course appeals to the heart of sinful evil men. And so as we come to this passage in verses 27 and following it's a very fitting word for the society in which we live, and we need o see what Jesus is saying. Now the Pharisees had their own viewpoint, verse 27, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." And because they didn't do that they thought they were righteous, they thought they'd go right into the kingdom and have the chief seats. Maybe you're like that, maybe you say to yourself, I'm not so bad, I've never actually gone out on my wife, I've never committed adultery, I, I've never done that kind of thing. But Jesus says if you ever look on a woman to lust after her you've done it in your heart, and that's enough to damn you to hell forever. That's the implication of verses 29 and 30. So your self-confidence is shattered here, you see. The external system of law isn't going to cut it because God is after the attitude. And you see what Jesus wants to do is show them they can't, they can't help themselves. You see they could deal with the outside, sure. They could not commit adultery but they couldn't do anything with the inside. And so Jesus hits them where they're helpless, hopeless, powerless, which should drive them in desperation to God, who alone can change the heart. They desperately wanted to believe they were okay, Jesus shows them they weren't. Now, with that in mind I wanna digress for a minute and, and just cover some things and next week we'll get back to the specifies of the passage. But notice the beginning of verses 27 and 28, the beginnings again kicked me off into this and I think you'll find it help­ful. Jesus starts "Ye have heard." Then verse 28, "But I say." Now this contrast is tremendously important, and I'm gonna give ya a les­son in, in kind of an overall Biblical theology tonight so I want you to get this because this will answer a lot of your questions. You have heard, but I say. This is the same formula, verse 21, "You have heard," verse 22, "But I say." Verse 31, "It has been said," verse 32, "But I say." Verse 33, "You have heard," verse 34, "But I say." It's all the way through here. It points to their misunderstanding of God's law, you have heard from the rabbis, from the traditionalists, from the scribes and Pharisees, from those who interpreted the law, but I'm telling you the truth of the law, what you have is not right, it's not sufficient. They have reduced the law of God to a simple external, and they haven't given ya the whole story, they've told you that you don't have to commit adultery and that's it you're okay, but I'm telling ya there's more to this than just that. Now you see again I say what I said at the beginning, you can always, youcan always invent a system that you can live up to and then convince yourself you're righteous. They could avoid committing adultery, but they couldn't do anything about their secret life. And so they missed the whole point of the Old Testament. When God said, "Thou shalt not kill," when God said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery," when God gave any other precept in the Old Testament, He was talking about far more than the deed itself and that's what Jesus wants them to understand. Now let me show you what I mean. Just stay with me in this. The basic revelation of God's message to man came through Moses, alright? In fact the Pentateuch, the five Books of Moses, are basically the, the heart, the center, the core of the Old Testament. The Prophets and the writings that follow the Mosaic writings are simply explanations, commentaries, elaborations of what is contained in the Law of Moses. Many, many times as you read through the Prophets you find the prophets indicting the people because they didn't keep the Law of Moses. You find the prophets going back and saying, "Moses said unto you." "Or have you forgotten what Moses said?" "Have you forgotten what God did during the time of Moses?" In other words the Pentateuch sets the pace, there you find the Gospel of Moses, the Gospel of God given through Moses. The rest of the Old Testament elaborates on the Pentateuch, it elaborates on that law of God; that set of standards which God laid down through Moses. Now, the whole thing it goes this way then, God gives the basic definitions of what He requires through Moses, He elaborates on it in the law and the prophets, He consummates it in Jesus Christ. So that Christ comes not to change anything but to clear up the issue that the law, the Gospel of Moses hasn't changed. Now, the, the essence or the heart of the Gospel of Moses is found in the Book of Deuteronomy. Now let's look at it together. Deuteronomy is the 5th and last of the five Books of Moses, and in this Book we have a summarate...summary of the law of God. I believe, I don't know if you agree with me on this but stay with me and maybe you will, I believe that Deuteronomy is the most important Book in the Old Testament. Deuteronomy is coming from two Greek words, deutero meaning second and nomos meaning law. It is the second law, it is the reiteration of the law given by God, it is the summation. As the Book of Deuteronomy opens the people are ready to enter the promised land, they are about to go into Canaan, they have been delivered from bondage in Egypt, they are God's people, they have been identified as God's people and now they're going to take their land, they're going to take the possession of the land God gave them. Now as they move into the land God reminds them of all they need to know, and so we have here the summarization of all the Gospel of Moses, of all of the standards for living in God's kingdom--they're here in the Book of Deuteronomy. In fact even the Ten Commandments are repeated in the 5th chapter of Deuteronomy. Did you know this? Did you know that Jesus quoted Deuteronomy more than He quoted any other Old Testament book? And did you know this? The New Testament writers quote Deuteronomy more than they quote any other Old Testament book. So it is a critical book. It is the summarization of the whole Old Testament, because all that comes after Deuteronomy comments on the Pentateuch, and Deuteronomy is the summary of the Pentateuch. So it is really the key, the high point of the Old Testament. Now by the way, I believe the summary of the entire Old Testament, in fact I believe the summary of the entire Bible is in Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5, "And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, with all thy might." That is the pinnacle of the whole Bible. Elsewhere in Deuteronomy it says, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Now there you have the consummation of all of God's truth. In fact Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength. (ah-hh) And thy neighbor as thyself. On this hang all the law and the prophets." The law is what's in front of Deuteronomy the prophets what comes after and the whole thing hinges right here. Now then listen, I want you to listen to this, really critical, as we go to the Old Testament we find the key is in the Pentateuch, as we look at the Pentateuch the key is in Deuteronomy, as we look at Deuteronomy the key is in chapter 6 verse 5, "Thou shalt love the LORD." Now listen to me, the Old Testament is not building a relationship on law, it is building a relationship on what? Love. And people do not understand this. They think the Old Testament economy was an economy of law. It is not, it is an economy of love. It is a relationship that God is after. Love is the key to a relation to God, and all throughout Deuteronomy God continues to say, I want you to love Me, I want you to love Me, I want you to love Me, I want a heart commitment, I want a heart devotion, I want a wholehearted kind of genuine affection for Me. Now listen, Moses throughout Deuteronomy, and if we had time we'd go right through the book, and you can do it yourself, over and over and over he says to the people as they enter the land, you must love the Lord, you must love the Lord, you must love the Lord, why? Because it is a relationship of love that God has always sought with man, always. Now let me tell you something that'll help you. Before God ever gave the law as we know it, the Ten Commandments, the Decalogue and all the other statutes and commandments, listen to this, before God ever did that He established a relationship with Israel. He first loved Israel. Chapter...well we'll see it later in chapter 10 but, He first loved Israel. And because He loved Israel He called Israel out of Egypt, He saved Israel, He redeemed Israel and it was only after the loving relationship and redemption that He gave them the law, do you understand? The law was not the cause of the relationship it was the result of it. It is the relationship God was after. You have to understand this and I'm gonna build on it so I hope you getting it. God's love had been exhibited to generations earlier when they were freed from Egypt, and when they were freed from Egypt God had redeemed them, God had saved them as it were, God had made them His people, and because they had a relationship He then said, this is how you live. And so the New Testament says the same thing, the Gospel of Moses, the Gospel of Jesus, the Gospel of Paul, the Gospel of Peter, the Gospel of James, and the Gospel of John are all identical. We love Him because He first what? Loved us. God loved Israel, that's how it all began. God loved us; that's how it all began. First we had a relationship of love and then we had a response of obedience to His law. Look with me now at the 10th chapter of Deuteronomy and I'll show you this. I read it this morning in the service, I'm gonna go over it again. And what Moses is saying is, alright people you're going into the land, you're gonna go in the land and I want ya to re­member this one thing, "Love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." Now what I'm saying to you people is that it is the attitude that God has always been after. Listen to me, it is not that God wanted them to keep a bunch of external laws; it is that God wanted them to love Him on the inside. And that's why Jesus says it isn't an issue that you don't murder and it isn't an issue that you don't commit adultery, what is the issue is what's in your heart, you see. It's always been that way, this isn't anything just New Testament. Look at chapter 10 verse 12, "And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee," what does God want out of you? And you might say, well, boy we better get those Ten Commandments straight. Well that isn't what he starts with, "fear the LORD thy God, walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul." And then, "To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?" That's no different than the Gospels, that's no different than Paul, that's exactly what the New Testament says, love God and do what He says. Why, First John even tells us that if you say you love God and you don't keep His commandments, you're a liar, right? But the love comes first and then the obedience. It's a relationship, and that's what He talks about all the way through this passage. Verse 19 He adds the second dimension. Not only love God but, "Love, therefore the stranger; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt." And so this is the whole sum of everything. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. "Fear the Lord, (verse 20) serve him, cleave to him." I love that. Verses...verse 1 of chapter 11 listen to it, "Therefore, thou shalt love the LORD thy God, keep his charge, his statutes, his ordinances, his commandments, always." You see? It's, it's love, it's the love that He's after. The key is verse 16, "Circumcise, therefore, the foreskin of your what? Your heart." Your heart. That's what He's after. He was always after a heart relationship, always after a heart attitude. Never, never was He satisfied with something external, it was love from the heart. So the sum of it all in the first 11, the first 11 or first 10 and 11 chapters of Deuteronomy, you could see the whole sum of this first 11 chapters is this, love God and love your neighbor, that's what God requires of you. And that is exactly what Jesus said in the New Testament, that is exactly what the Epistles say, love the Lord, love Him so that you're obedient, love one another, love one another, it's the same message, nothin' different. And then in Deuteronomy chapter 12 through 26, that next big section, you don't need to follow, just listen. In Deuteronomy 12 through 26 Moses interprets and applies these two basic principles. He then takes the principle of loving God and the principle of loving your neighbor and applies them to every daily situation, to every kind of living matter, to everything that goes on in life. He does that all the way through chapter 26. Now finally when he comes to chapter 26, he decides that having said all of this, having said the key is to love God and love your neighbor, and having given them statutes that make this applied to every kind of living situation, statutes that show how each of these things is applicable in life, having done that he decides that he'll have a great big service of dedication. So Moses gets everybody together in chapter 26 and they confess their sins, and they dedicate their lives, and they reaffirm their love to God, and they renew their heart commitment to the Lord, and chapter 26 is a time for their hearts to be given to the Lord, a time of great praise, a time of worship, a time when they acknowledge that God will be served from their hearts. And so they will be obedient. Verse 16 of chapter 26 this is the key, "This day the LORD thy God has commanded thee to do these statutes and ordinances; thou shalt, therefore, keep and do them with all thy heart, and with all thy soul." You see? It's that heart that He was after, and that was the sum of it all. Alright chapter 27, you know what happens? Moses tells them, look, when you get in the land, I want you to...Joshua is going to take you in the land, I can't do it. He had sinned and so he didn't get to go. He says Joshua's gonna take ya in the land and when ya get there I want ya to do this first, when ya arrivein the land: get all together again and renew this same commitment that you will love the Lord and you will love each other, renew it when you get in the land. Then in chapter 28 he says to them, now you have two choices, two choices you can be blessed or you can be cursed. Look at it chapter 28 verse 3, "Blessed," verse 4, "Blessed," verse 5, "Blessed," verse 6, "Blessed." Go down to verse 16, "Cursed," verse 17, "Cursed," verse 18, "Cursed," verse 19, "Cursed." He's offering them two options. What he's saying is this, you get in the land, you choose to love the Lord your God with all your heart; you get in the land, you choose to love your neighbor you will be what? Blessed. You get in the land, you choose not to love the Lord your God, you choose not to love your neighbor you will be what? Cursed. So he's offering them these two possibilities, the way of blessing and the way of cursing, and that goes all the way through the 28th chapter. And then the 29th chapter, he appeals to them to make a decision, he calls upon them to make a decision, to make a commitment, to choose what they will do. And that goes from chapter 29 into chapter 30, and let's pick it up at chapter 30 verse 11, "For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it to us, that we may bear it, and do it? Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it? But the word is very near unto thee, in thy mouth, and thy heart, that thou mayest do it." In other words you have a choice to make and the information is there. You have enough information to make a choice you can choose blessing, you can choose cursing. You can choose to love God with all your heart and your neighboras yourself or not to do that. But don't complain that you didn't have the information, don't tell me that you never had it available it's here. "See," verse 15, "I" he says, "have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil." I've given ya the choice, you're entering the land make the choice. "In that I command thee this day," verse 16, "to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his commandments, his statutes, his ordinances, that thou mayest live and multiply; and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land to which thou goest to possess it. But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them, I declare unto you this day, that you shall surely perish, that you shall not prolong your days on the land, to which thou passest over the Jordan to go to possess it." And he says, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you." Let the record be in heaven, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." And what is the choice? "That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, thou mayest obey his voice, thou mayest cleave unto him; for he is thy life, and the length of thy days; that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD swore unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them." Now there is the sum of the whole Old Testament. Love God, that's the choice. God has always wanted a heart relationship. Listen people, somebody in the Old Testament who just mechanically kept the Ten Commandments didn't fulfill the plan of God. The Ten Commandments were only given to regulate a relationship that was based on love, and if the love relationship wasn't there the regulation didn't mean anything. That's the point. And the final chapters of Deuteronomy, chapters 31 to 34 provide for the transfer of leadership from Moses to Joshua. Now, having said all of that, and I hope you stayed with me on it cause it really is important, let me say this, the centrality and this is the sum of it, if you don't get this you'll miss the whole point for the last 15 minutes. So you that have tuned out tune back in, alright? The whole point in what we are learning is this, the centrality of God's concern is the heart, you see? It is not the externals. It never waswith Moses and it isn't with us. But the Pharisees were satisfied with the externals and thus they had missed the point, that's why Jesus said, "You have heard it said, But I say unto you." You're messin' around with the outside and God is concerned with the inside. It is a relationship of love that God wants and the law only regulates it just as the standards of the New Testament regulate a new covenant relationship with the Lord. And so when you come to the New Testament in the Book of Matthew, and you come again as I said to Matthew chapter 22 you hear our Lord reiterating the same thing that comes out of Deuteronomy. He says this, what is the first and great commandment? "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment." Deuteronomy 6:5, "the second is like it, Love thy neighbor as thyself." That too we find all over Deuteronomy but most specifically in chapter 10. And He says, "On these commandments hang all the law and the prophets." What He's saying there in Matthew 22 is this, I don't care what your functions are, I don't care what your performances are, if ya don't love God and love your neighbor, you've missed the point. You've missed the point. That's why Jesus could say to the rich young ruler, you know ah, it's wonderful that you've kept all the commandments from your youth, but you know what you haven't done? In effect what He said to him is, go sell all you have and give it to the poor, why? Because you haven't manifested a right heart attitude because you haven't loved your what? Your neighbor, you see. Which betrayed the fact that while there was an external behavior there was nothing goin' on inside. It was hypocritical. So this is God's divine internal standard that no one could keep. And you know, let me tell ya how this works, now stay with me and you're gonna understand the Old Testament better. In the Old Testament you see, God put this standard, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself." And the people in the Old Testament would say, that's God's standard, man, we can't keep that standard, and that's exactly what He wanted them to say. You say, but if you can't keep the standard what happens? You get guilty, and you get convicted, and you get to feeling sinful. Well you know something? God didn't just leave them in the sense of conviction, He didn't leave them just boggled by their own sinfulness, He didn't just leave them frustrated with guilt, He gave them not only the standard but He gave them a system to deal with their inability to keep it. What system was that? Sacrificial system. And the sacrificial system was given by God in order to give man a way to deal with his inabilities. When a man said or a woman, I can't keep the law of God and I'm overwhelmed with my sin. God said, then confess your sin to Me and prove the genuineness of that confession by an act of sacrifice. And the sacrificial system didn't make men right with God it simply pointed out that only God could make them right with Him. It pointed out they needed a sacrifice, it pointed out their inabilities. And so here's the way it went in the Old Testament, God gave a standard and the standard was a relationship of love. Men couldn't fulfill all that that standard required and so they were guilty and convicted of sin, and in order to deal with that God provided a sacrificial system. And the sacrificial system was itself futile, the sacrificial system never gave a lasting peace, the sacrificial system never really relieved the guilt. And in its futility it pointed to the fact that there had to be someday, someplace, some way a full and final and ultimate sacrifice that would once and for all do away with this sin. Don't you see, the whole thing pointed to whom? Jesus Christ. Therefore the Gospel of Moses was the Gospel of Christ. Moses presents a standard of loving relationship that a man in his evil heart can't fulfill. Convicted of his inability to fulfill it he gives sacrifices out of a contrition, and that's filling his heart. But even the act of sacrifice is futile because it never ends and it never really accomplishes anything and so it all points to someday that one final sacrifice that has to be given. And so it is that in the very beginning it all points to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is no Johnny come lately to the standards of Israel; Jesus Christ is the fruition of everything Moses ever taught. The whole sequence just points to a Savior. Cause He's the only one that could deal with man on the inside. The whole Old Testament was to frustrate man, to show him his desperation, to show him that he couldn't save himself no matter what he did, no matter what he did on the outside if the heart relationship wasn't right he wasn't right. But by the time you get to Jesus' day they'd lowered the standard, they dropped all of the stuff about heart relationship. The very fact that a man had to say to Him, what's the first and great commandment?, shows how far they'd slipped, right? They forgot what it was. "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: An thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all...." They knew for, for centuries, it had slipped by their own choice. They did away with the part they couldn't keep and stuck with the externals. Now you say, John, how do the Ten Commandments fit in? That's easy. The Ten Commandments are simply a way to regulate love, that's all. That's right. T--did you know the Ten Commandments are just a definition of love? You say, oh, ho, ho, I've heard the Ten Commandments are law, Thou shalt not, thou shalt not--that's just law. No, it's love. They are simply a way to regulate love. Want me to prove that to ya? Very easy to do it. First of all, listen to this, redemption precedes the giving of the Ten Commandments. First they were called out of Egypt, they were redeemed, they were ordained as God's people, He set His love upon them, He set His affection upon them, the relationship was first and then came the code of ethics. Once the relationship was established the principles of behavior were laid out. But never forget it redemption preceded law, because God is always concerned with relationship. The relationship preceded the law or the Ten Commandments, th...now get this, the law did not establish the covenant. Love established the covenant, the law merely regulated behavior within that covenant. For the Israelites who hear God speak on Mount Sinai and hear that thunder and see that flaming finger carve out the law there, there was already a relationship. Redemption had already been given as they had been delivered from Egypt. They already had a relationship with the Lord, they already had a rational basis for faith and for love and, and this was merely codifying the principles of love. And so the Ten Commandments become nothing more than a list of how to love God, and how to love your neighbor. Did you know that the first four commandments relate to God, and the last six commandments relate to your neighbor? The first four tell ya how to love God and the last six tell ya how to love your neighbor. Let's look at them, Exodus chapter 20, Exodus chapter 20, and I'm going to go through this pretty quick, cause I wanna get done in a minute. In Exodus chapter 20 now watch, stay with me, we find the listing of the Ten Commandments, and I want you to see how these are nothing but an expression of love, these are qualities of love. Verse 3, first one, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." You know what's that mean? Love is loyal, that's all, love is loyal. If I say to my wife, Honey, I love you, and then I tell her I also have three or four others that I love too--that's not the kind of love she's in­terested in. Love is loyal. That's all He's saying here, love is loyal to Him. Having no other gods before Him. You don't say, Oh boy, am I really mad I only have that one God and everybody else in the world gets a whole bunch. No, no, there were some people who worshiped one God because they felt that they would be right in doing it. There are other people who worshiped one God because they loved Him so much they were loyal. I don't worship just the Lord because I, I'm trying to fulfill some legal obligation; I worship the one God because He's the only one I love, right? Love is loyal. Secondly, love is faithful. Verse 4, and this is the extent to which loyalty goes, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any carved image, any likeness of anything in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; Thou shalt not, bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the LORD thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers and the, ah, upon the children to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy to thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." Do you see it there? Again it's love. In other words the point is, love will be faithful, love will not make graven images, love will not go off and make a carved replica of some non-god. Love is loyal and its loyalty extends into the future endlessly and thus becomes faithfulness. Toward God then if we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, we'll love only Him, if we love the Lord our God we'll love Him faithfully. Thirdly, the next commandment says love is reverent, verse 7, "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that takes his name in vain." Listen if you love the Lord, will you take His name in vain? If you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength would you curse His name? No. So you see love is loyal, and love's loyalty extends into faithfulness, and love is reverent, that's all He's really saying. And then a fourth one related to God in verses 8 to 11, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do thy work; And the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, maidservant, cattle, a stranger in thy gates; For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; wherefore, the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." You know what that says? Love is set apart, separated. You know something? If I love somebody totally, I am set apart to that person only, right? If I say I love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, but I'm gonna take the one day I'm supposed to spend worshiping Him and go do something else, doesn't say much for my love, does it? So all He's saying here, and this is so simple people, love is loyal, love is faithful, love is reverent, and love is set apart. Love separates itself totally to its object. You know men when you love a girl, finally you go to her someday and you say I want you to be my wife. What are you really saying? You're saying, I love you so much I just want to separate myself to you, that's all. I'm not interested in any other woman, I'm not interested in any other relationships--it's you that matters. That's love. So you see this isn't some legalistic code of externals, this is merely a way to define love. Love toward God. Now the final six deal with loving your neighbor, that's all verse 12. For example, love is respectful, "Honor thy father and thy mother, thy days may be long on the land which the LORD thy God gives thee." If ya love your neighbor, your first neighbor, what's the first neighbor you're gonna touch in your life? Parents, right? You come into the world and your first neighbors immediately are your parents. And the Bible simply says, love them, and love them means respect them and honor them, that's all. Love is respectful. Love is never lawless, never disorderly always respectful. And first of all to the first category of neighbors family. And then toward folks, love is not only respectful but it is humane, verse 13, "Thou shalt not kill." Listen, if ya love somebody are ya gonna kill 'em? No, if ya love somebody you don't kill 'em. If you love your neighbor you don't kill him. Love... that's why Paul says, "Love is the fulfilling of the whole law." If ya love your...if ya love the Lord your God you're gonna be loyal, if ya love the Lord your God you're gonna be faithful, if the love...if ya love the Lord your God you'll be reverent, if you love the Lord your God you'll be set apart unto Him, if you love other people, you're gonna be respectful, if ya love other people you're gonna be humane, you're not going to take their life. Next He says, "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Listen if you really love somebody you're not gonna do that because love is pure is what He's saying. It's respectful, humane and it's pure. Love doesn't defile. If you love somebody and I've seen this so often, a guy says to a girl, I love you and then tries to shove her in bed when she's not his wife. That isn't love. Love seeks purity. Don't tell your wife you love her and then go off and shack up with somebody else, you don't love your wife. You're lying. The point is, love is pure, it doesn't defile it only exalts and keeps pure. Further He says love is unselfish. Verse 15, "Thou shalt not steal." What does that mean? That means if you're, if you love somebody are ya gonna take what they have? No, you're not gonna take what they have. You're not going to steal from somebody if you love them. Love is unselfish. Love is truthful, verse 16, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Are ya gonna tell lies about people if ya love 'em? You goin' around givin' filthy gossip about people, you gonna say things that aren't true in a court of law, are you going to do all you can to tell untruths if you love people? Of course not. Finally, love toward people is not only respectful, humane, pure, unselfish and truthful, but it is contented. When you really love people you're contented so you "don't cover...covet their (their) house, you don't covet their wife, you don't covet their manservant, maidservant, ox, ass or anything else that's theirs." Why? Because you love 'em and you're glad they have it. Now do you see the point of the Ten Commandments? They are merely a regulation of love, that's all. Once God established a relationship with people, they came out of Egypt first, the relationship was there. The law was only a way to define how that love worked. And it was twofold, toward God and toward your neighbor, that's the epitome of the Old Testament in the Book of Deuteronomy, that's the Gospel Of Moses, and it is no different that what Jesus said, and it is no different that what the Epistles of the New Testament teach. You see the point? The whole law is to love God and love your neighbor. And that expresses itself toward God in being loyal, faithful, reverent and set apart. It expresses itself toward your neighbor in respecting authority established by God, respecting life made in His image, being pure, unselfish, truthful and contented. And beloved let me tell you something, every single one of those is a heart attitude, isn't it? Every one of 'em, "Thou shalt not kill," and "Thou shalt not commit adultery," are much deeper and broader statements than the scribes and the Pharisees ever allowed for, do you see? They were simply statements of regulating a heart attitude. And the sad thing that happened in Israel was the Israelites began to focus only on the external, focused only on the ritual, focused only on their religious observance, focused only on the outside so that morality became a matter of what you do rather than a relationship of love. And they missed the whole thing. Now if you understand what I just told you, in the last 30 minutes or 40 minutes or 50 minutes--I don't even know how long I've been talkin'. But if you understand that and then you understand the background of the Sermon on the Mount, you see, you understand what Jesus is saying. So in verse 21 of Matthew 5 when He says, "You have heard that it was said by them of old, Thou shalt not kill, whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of judgment." They stopped there, they just said, don't kill and you're alright. But I'm telling you, if you're angry with your brother, you're in danger of hell, why? because you don't love your brother, and that's the thing that's the issue with God. And in verse 27, "You have heard them say, You should not commit adultery; but I'm telling you if you lust (and your) in your heart you are guilty." Why? Because your attitude toward your brother is wrong. You're not pure, and you're coveting something that isn't yours. Now this is the whole background. And so our Lord drives them down deep to the matter of the heart, and says, that's the issue with Me. Their tradition had obscured the original message and corrupted it. Christ wanted to reiterate it. Now when He gives the law here to the scribes and the Pharisees, what's gonna be their reaction? They're gonna say the same thing the Jews of old would say, we can't keep that law, it can't be done, we can't do it. Wo-we, we, we're not that good, we can't love like that all the time, we need help, we can't maintain Your standard God. And that is exactly what He wants them to say. In the Old Testament when they couldn't maintain it they went directly into the sacrificial system, right? And ultimately the sacrifical system consummated in Jesus Christ, who was slain as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world, and of whom the writer of Hebrews says, "By one offering he perfected forever them that are sanctified." The writer of Hebrews said, He did what the blood and bulls of goats could never do, take away sin. And that's why, beloved, after Jesus died on the cross and paid the final penalty, Jesus brought judgment on the city of Jerusalem. The Roman soldiers came down within about 30 years or so into the city of Jerusalem and they literally destroyed the city, they destroyed the temple, which by then had its veil rent in twain anyway cause the sacrificial system was open when...was, was done when Jesus died. But in 70 A.D. they came in and they literally destroyed the temple, obliterated the city of Jerusalem, and since that time to this very hour in 1979 there has never been a sacrificial system in Israel since. Why? Because it was over, because that for which it pointed was there, it arrived in Jesus Christ. And it was the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ that took away the sin that all the system of sacrifices could never take away, but simply pointed to. You say, well then how would that person in the Old Testament be saved? Because the efficacy of Christ's death in this period of time when He died went forward to us and backward to them. And if they believed God when they lived, and if they looked forward to the fact that God would take away their sin by His power, and if they knew they couldn't do it on their own and they believed God for a sacrifice that would then He applied to them the sacrifice of Christ though as of yet He had not even given it. And us? We're on this end and though Christ died two thousand years ago His sacrifice is applied to us today if we believe and accept Him. And so Jesus wants to force us to the frustration and an inability to keep the high exalted law of God and run for mercy to Jesus Christ, who alone can grant us a righteousness we cannot on our own obtain. In Second Corinthians 5:21 Paul sums it up in these words, "For he hath made him, who knew no sin," who is that? Christ, "to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." In other words we couldn't be righteous because we were sinful. But He became sin that we might become righteous, He bore our sins to make us righteous. And so beloved I'm telling you this, the words of this covenant that cemented the relationship in the Old Testament were not legalistic, the Ten Commandments weren't even legalistic, they simply brought out a standard by which a loving relationship to God and your neighbor could exist. And there had to be the relationship first or all the law keeping that went on meant absolutely nothing. You know something? There are people today in our society who live by New Testament ethics, did you know that? They're good fathers, good mothers, nice people, good neighbors, give to charity, go to church, don't kill people, don't commit adultery, they, they keep the outward law. Some of them come under the name Mormon. And there are many others, but you know what? They don't have the relationship so the law means nothing because it isn't the outworking of love. The inner attitude, I'm telling you was always the issue with God, whether you're in the Old or the New Testament. And that's why Jesus can say, I didn't come to destroy the prophets, I didn't come to set Moses aside, I didn't come to change one single thing, just put it back where it belongs. And unless you get up to that level, which is higher than the scribes and Pharisees you will never under any circumstances enter My kingdom. And of course we realize we can't and that forces us to Christ. So Moses was pushing people to Jesus just like Christ was pushing them to Himself. In fact in Luke 16:15 the Pharisees who were so covetous in their hearts, Jesus said to them, "You are they" listen to this, it's great, "You are they who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts." Isn't that good? And then He says, "For that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." It is an abomination to God to keep an external law without a heart relationship. God knows your hearts. The law and the prophets, nothing has changed, it's still the heart. So our Lord simply redefines the original standard and in so doing He defines righteousness and sin in true Biblical terms. And this is so important. What Jesus is really doing is preaching on sin.

Pensamiento de la semana

Conozco, oh Jehová, que el hombre no es señor de su camino, ni del hombre que camina es el ordenar sus pasos.jeremías 10:23
El siglo 20 experimento un desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología extraordinarios.Aun hoy nos beneficiaremos de todas las maravillas que se hacen en todos los ámbitos:agricultura,medicina,transportes,comunicaciones........ Sin embargo,cada vez se siente mas un profundo malestar. El mundo parece mas vulnerable que nunca. A menudo los avances tecnológicos constituyen una amenaza permanente y una causa de degradación irremediable por el medio ambiente, el bumerán de el progreso se vuelve encontra de el que lo lanzo.
Forzosamente debemos constatar que el hombre no puede dirigir por si mismo su vida y menos aun el planeta.Solo la bendición de Dios es la que enriquece y no añade tristeza por ella(por reviso 10:22) Desde tiempo antiguo el hombre frente a su fragilidad e incapacidad para controlar el futuro,busca una sabiduría superior.Pero Dios respondió a esa necesidad incluso antes de que fuera expresada
. Dio su palabra la Biblia dio a su Hijo, la mayor sabiduría,Jesús es poder de Dios y sabiduría de Dios(1cor1:24)
Para disfrutar de todo lo que Dios nos da en abundancia,sin desagradar nada primero debemos de ser salvos primeramente átrabes de Jesús y esto es personal confiemos plenamente en El tanto para el presente como para el futuro.
El evangelio......Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque es poder de Dios para salvación a todo aquel que cree; ?lo crees tu?
              . Un saludo:v.orden

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

MATEO  5:17-20
(Recalco) No son condiciones para la salvación  este pasaje competo no habla de salvación
 Describe como es………. que características tiene………..cual es el carácter…….. De aquel que puso su fe en el HIJO DE Dios de tal forma que si  hemos de buscar una fotografía de cómo es el creyente, como somos, o personificando como eres   la encontramos  en el capitulo 5;1-12                                     ¿nos reconocemos?     ?Te reconoces?
El domingo pasado habíamos visto con las ilustraciones de la sal y la luz  como reacciona este hombre o mujer creyente en el mundo que le rodea ,……………dejando una influencia que de buen sabor y una referencia como luz
¿ Donde? en el lugar donde nos movemos, ………………….  de tal  manera que continuamente tenemos que preguntarnos ¿ estoy en la posición y con el carácter que el Señor pide de mi? si queremos dejar fruto.
Habíamos mirado un personaje Lot………..en Sodoma  escapo de el fuego pero no fue DE BENDICION dentro de su círculo familiar por no estar ni con el carácter ni en la posición que tenía que tener.
En  esta noche  el Señor explica el propósito de su venida y como tú y yo nos relacionamos con la ley de Dios.
Leemos 5:17-20                  oramos
Me gusta hacer preguntas al pasaje en si para poder descubrir la enseñanza sobre todo de las palabras que hablo  el Señor Jesús por que son de mucha importancia
Siempre que tomamos un pasaje bíblico tenemos que preguntar el ¿por que?
 ¿Por que el Señor menciona  el propósito de su venida?? y por que  toma como referencia  LA LEY Y LOS PROFETAS   o sea  EL TANAKH  QUE SERIA LO QUE HOY CONOZEMOS COMO EL PENTATEUCO Y LOS LIBROS PROFETICOS E HISTORICOS
   EN PALABRAS MAS SENCILLAS el A.T. ¿Por que JESUS HACE REFERENCIA a esto en este sermón de el monte dirigido aquellos que le siguen   y que implicaciones tiene para nosotros qué vivimos  2000  anos después .
Hay un contesto  histórico, rápidamente yo desearía que por un momento me pudierais seguir con unos datos que nos trasladan al tiempo de el Señor Jesús
Nos encontramos en una época cuando llego el mesías bien controvertida
, resumiendo mucho después de la ultima reforma con Esdras y Nehemías  cuando el pueblo vuelve de la cautividad de Babilonia  aproximadamente 440 anos antes de la llegada de el mesías  hubo un tremendo avivamiento y se [oía decir que el pueblo vivía de acuerdo a los mandamientos tal como lo encontramos en el pentateuco a si como en los profetas,……………………..
 Cuando murieron estos buenos siervos de DIOS ASI COMO EL ULTIMO PROFETA  MALAQUIAS  y su generación con ellos murió ese avivamiento……… HAY UN SILENCIO POR PARTE DE DIOS NO HAY MAS REVELACION
las generaciones posteriores   fueron  decayendo poco a poco…………… empeorándose todo hasta que llegamos a el tiempo de el mesías.
  Habían surgido sectas como fariseos, saduceos, herodianos celotes ,que regían sus enseñanzas no ya en la ley de Dios, sino según las tradiciones de los ancianos junto con la influencia griega,
 Los escribas que serian los teólogos de entonces en sus interpretaciones  de la TORA habían sacado otros textos como el TALMUT babilónico
Donde tenían  MUCHAS   REGULACIONES  para cada incidente de la vida   daban más relevancia a lo creado por la tradición que en  realidad  la Tora    (LOS CINCO LIBROS DE Moisés)……….
 Entre ESTOS GRUPOS RELIGIOSOS   mantenían grandes diferencias, como consecuencia de ello cualquier parecido en la vida religiosa del pueblo judío con los libros de Moisés era pura coincidencia
 Según datos históricos  de tres millones que era la población en palestina  EN TIEMPOS DE Jesús  el 95% eran judíos de los cuales  solo el 5% eran los partidos religiosos……….. y quizás un 0.o1% eran fieles a la tora o sea mas de un 89% no deseaba nada de religión.
 Un dato significativo la población de Nazaret  15.000………. había una sinagoga con una capacidad de 75 personas máximo  de manera que el judío corriente, carpinteros, agricultores, el pastor de ovejas, etc .
gente común,  ni querían saber nada de la revelación dada a Moisés y los profetas máxime cuando ese 5%..............lo había puesto tan difícil, la verdad muy parecido a los tiempos actuales,  apatía totalmente a las cosas de  DIOS muchas veces por CULPA DE  esos religiosos de el tiempo, que habían añadido pesadas cargas que ni ellos mismos podían llevarlas
 ¿No nos pasara a los creyentes esto en este tiempo quizás nos hemos inflado tanto que la gente común no desea saber de Jesús                           ¿ PARA PENSAR
De repente aparece  el Señor Jesús  hablando palabras CON AUTORIDAD……… muy diferentes del mundo religioso del tiempo
 La palabra nos dice que eran palabras de vida la reacción es casi inmediata en menos de un mes de ministerio publico grandes multitudes le siguen ……………………….son palabras de vida y cuando el relato de los evangelios nos dice que eran grandes multitudes tenemos que creerlo  referencias
Mateo 14:14 14Y saliendo Jesús, vio un gran gentío, y tuvo compasión de ellos, y sanó á los que de ellos había enfermos. 
Juan6:55Y como alzó Jesús los ojos, y vio que había venido á él grande multitud,………….gente común con necesidad de escuchar esas palabras de vida
Dice que su fama traspaso fronteras    Fenicia……es el Líbano actual y Siria
Podría pensar las personas que esto era un movimiento totalmente contrario  a lo que ellos han podido percibir hasta la fecha
 Al escuchar esas palabras de vida o concretamente todo lo que esta diciendo algunos de los que Han escuchando  pensaban que intentaba reemplazar a Moisés y a los profetas. ESTO ES LA LEY Y LOS PROFETAS 
El les dice  no penséis tal cosa ……………………. es interesante que la palabra que menciona no penséis si hemos de traducirla en su correcta intención           (consulto hermanos capacitados para ello…dr Carballosa,lingüística )  seria QUE NI SE OS OCURRA PENSAR TAL COSA O JAMAS PENSEIS QUE…
El verbo  he venido tiene un significado tremendo por que ningún nacido de mujer puede atribuirse tal cosa, nosotros hemos nacido  etc……………….
 PERO NO HEMOS VENIDO, ……….  por que antes de ser nacidos nosotros estábamos en el lomo de nuestros padres, y no teníamos voluntad propia 
  pero EL  no  EL  es un personaje  EL VIENE Y EL VINO POR QUE ERA ANTES  de manera que  he venido señala sin duda a la pre-existencia del HIJO DE Dios  dicho verbo implica autoridad uno de los títulos mas mencionados es el que viene…………..de manera que esto ya nos impresiona es su lengua habitual  pero esta lleno de  autoridad

Abrogar  significa  demoler o echar abajo algún tipo de estructura así que  esa es la idea que el Señor desea trasmitir aquí……………..LA LEY Y LOS PROFETAS  los religiosos de el tiempo habían dividido la revelación en tres la ley los profetas y los escritos NEVIN  KETUVIN Y TORA
La ley  DE Dios ES CONSIDERADA  como estructura de un edificio  el Señor afirma que el propósito de su venida no Hera echarla abajo ni la ley NI  los profetas y esto se refiere a los libros canónicos es decir el conjunto de libros escritos bajo la dirección de el espíritu santo
La palabra cumplir  en su traducción original  significa llenar  la idea es llenar de contenido
Es decir  la venida del mesías ha llenado de significado pleno a todas las escrituras del A.t tanto a la ley como los profetas
JESUS NO ABROGA O DERRIBA LA LEY DE MOISES SINO QUE LA INTERPRETA CORRECTAMENTE Y LE DA EL PROFUNDO VALOR QUE TIENEN  cumpliendo todas sus demandas,   de tal forma que hay escrituras en esta parte que llamamos el A.T  que ya cumplió pero hay algunas que quedan por cumplir 
Es interesante como cuando nos da tiempo estamo0s estudiando en la reunión de oración como el cumple todo absolutamente todo
Tampoco abroga ni derriba los escritos proféticos sino que los llena y adorna con su gloria y autoridad confirmando que el A.T…………………..  Es la palabra de DIOS
Ni una JOTA  ni una TILDE
Es una declaración  expresiva y sorprendente  
  Jota ……………se refiere a la letra del alfabeto hebreo YOD……………
La tilde es una pequeña proyección en la parte inferior de una letra o una pequeña línea en la parte inferior de una letra un pequeño puntito  por ejemplo  la letra beth……..cambia su sonido
 Lo que quiere decir que ni un ápice caerá al vacio  hasta lo que parece mas insignificante se cumplirá  JESUS   PARECE   ESTABLECER  QUE LA LEY  ES TAN  SAGRADA QUE NI EL MAS MINIMO    DETALLE   DE ELLA   DESASPARECERA
AL poner como testigos el cielo y la tierra
Lo que el Señor esta diciendo esta ensenado enfáticamente es el carácter permanente de las sagradas escrituras hasta que    DESAPAREDCA   el cielo y la tierra es una expresión proverbial que popularmente significa nunca
 Las palabras del salmista nos recuerdan el carácter permanente de la palabra de Dios  salmo 119:89 PARA SIEMPRE OH JEHOVA PERMANECE TU TU PALABRA EN LOS CIELOS
Hay una advertencia aquí para aquellos que se paran en un pulpito y ensenan es una tremenda responsabilidad  y se debe de tomar en serio esta tarea  yo al menos así lo considero
V19…de manera que  esta expresión mira  atrás al versículo 18…………sobre la base de lo que acabo de decir  cualquiera que se le ocurra repudiar    anular    abolir.     ¿Que cosa?
Uno de estos mandamientos aquellos que están  en la LEY DE MOISES  QUIZAS los mas pequeños  guardando la Relación con las letras que ha dicho, quizás lo mas insignificante la ley 
 ¿De que ley?      De la ley de DIOS  no de la tradiciones de los hombres  y así lo ensene  tendrá que sufrir las consecuencias
   Aquí hay una advertencia de disciplina divina para aquel que se le ocurra no solo quebrantar los ,Mandamientos  de la ley de Dios por pequeños que sea si no que además los ensene
yo no puedo pararme en un pulpito y decir  las fiestas creadas por el Señor ya no tienen importancia que  los tiempos señalados por DIOS YA NO RIGEN  ya no nos dicen nada ……….
 los días sábados  en que parte de la escritura nos dice que el sábado es invención de los judíos …………………….hau…………….miremos en Genesis 2:1-3
Como estamos en la gracia podemos hacer lo que nos de la real gana y poner los tiempos festivos que queramos, navidad, semana santa, papa  Noel   ACVIENTO CUARESMA etc
¿Es  esto es lo que nos dice el señor aquí ¿ el dice que el no vino para quebrantar por que el mandamiento no se puede cambiar
¿Cómo es que hay algunos que dicen barbaridades y nosotros estamos así tan tranquilos? 
,por supuesto que no somos salvos por cumplir la ley el la cumplió por nosotros pero yo no puedo hacer lo que se me da la gana por que estoy en la gracia ………………………….
Por  2000 anos de historia los teólogos  han ido con un martillo pretendiendo clavar en la cruz de el calvario aquello que a ellos les conviene  ellos dicen en la cruz de el calvario quedo clavada la ley que nos condenaba
El problema no es la ley de Dios si no el pecado  el vino para remover el pecado es el pecado que va en contra de la ley de Dios,
Es por ello que lo mejor que tuvieron los cielos se hizo pecado el           que fue sin pecado fue abandonado por el padre para que tu y yo podamos ahora estar en paz con el
 Isaías 53:6 6Todos nosotros nos descarriamos como ovejas, cada cual se apartó por su camino: mas Jehová cargó en él el pecado de todos nosotros.
7Angustiado él, y afligido, no abrió su boca: como cordero fué llevado al matadero; y como oveja delante de sus trasquiladores, enmudeció, y no abrió su boca. 
Lo que quedo clavado en la cruz fue EL PECADO QUE NOAS ALEJABA DE DIOS SI TU ESTAS EN EL EL YA PAGO pero no para hacer lo que me venga en gana ahora   ROMANOS 6:15-23 

Por que el fin de LEY es  Cristo para justicia a todo aquel que cree   (romanos 10:4) y dicen no ves ya Cristo termino con la ley
  Cuando tu y yo estamos en el  lo que tu y yo no podíamos  el lo cumple  ya no tenemos que hacer esfuerzos para  justificarnos para con Dios atabes de la ley
 Pero estando en el ahora yo me gozo en serle obediente y es un placer el escuchar lo que el dice, que dice?
EL NOS DICE JUAN 14:15 15Si me amáis, guardad mis mandamientos
¿Que mandamiento Señor?       Hasta los más pequeños
Apocalipsis14:1212Aquí está la paciencia de los santos; aquí están los que guardan los mandamientos de Dios, y la fe de Jesús.

Y por ultimo para el creyente esto no le es gravoso es un placer que es lo que nos dice
 1juan 5:3
3Porque este es el amor de Dios, que guardemos sus mandamientos; y sus mandamientos no son penosos.
4?...............te son carga?............verdad que no ...........................claro que no ……………. es un gusto poder caminar en ellos  el desea bendecirnos.
 Y el mandamiento no se enseñoreara de nosotros pues no vivimos por la LEY sino por la gracia
CAMBIO EL SENOR ALGO DE LA LEY NO        vino para darle su significado
Cambian los hombres los mandamientos de Dios  si…………….. Para su propia perdición
Están vigentes los mandamientos de DIOS  actualmente  si ………….. Todos si …………..   EL SABADO TAMBIEN.
JUAN 3:1616Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado á su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda MAS TENGA VIDA ETERNA
Por que no venir a el en este mismo mometo arrepentido pidiendo que el te perdone, el te invita

apocalipsis3:2020He aquí, yo estoy á la puerta y llamo: si alguno oyere mi voz y abriere la puerta, entraré á él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo.                                                                           

PREDICA 12-8-2012 MATEO 5:20-48

SEguimos  con el sermón de el monte así que estamos en el capitulo 5 de el evangelio de mateo yo os invito a que en casa podáis leer estos tres capitulo el 5 el 6 y el 7 así venimos ya con un espíritu preparado.
Habíamos aprendido el domingo pasado que JESUS  el mesías, NO VINO PARA QUITAR ABROGAR derrumbar  tirar a bajo LA LEY Y LOS PROFETAS SINO HA CUMPLIRLA
 A llenarla de contenido  y a darle la correcta interpretación, y es esto mismo  lo que tenemos  desde el v21 al v48 de este capitulo 5 donde tenemos seis  declaraciones  practicas seis  temas específicos de la interpretación de el  A.T
Y en esta noche  solo vamos a mirar  el concepto general de lo que  el Señor tiene en mente  luego cada domingo si el Señor me permite estar aquí, y vosotros oráis por mi yo podre estar    miraremos en detalle cada uno de ellos por SEIS  domingos.           ¿Esta bien?
Antes de  ir detallando los seis temas que desea  DARLE SU INTERPRETACION CORRECTA 
 TENDRIAMOS EL VERSICULO CLAVE           V20…………………resalta esta palabra dicha aquí.
El Señor estado  hablando a sus discípulos y ha estado hablado de las cualidades del discípulo, v3 v12……………. y la influencia de ellos  en el mundo donde están………………… v14-16
Y ahora hay un llamado de atención mirar a los religiosos de el tiempo  vuestra justicia  debe de superar a la de ellos.
¿Como es que el Señor pone como ejemplo para no seguir a estos fieles guardadores de las normas y regulaciones de la interpretación de la ley oral? 
Y los fariseos los puritanos los justos los separados  se habían separado de todas las actividades comunes de la vida con el fin de guardar todas las normas y regulaciones ORALES   no en la LEY DE MOISES SINO EN LA MISHNA  Y EL TALMUD    fieles guardadores del    JUDAISMO
Pablo había sido fariseo de fariseo un hombre celoso por el JUDAISMO  y el con mucho cariño dice
 ROMANOS 10:1-31HERMANOS, ciertamente la voluntad de mi corazón y mi oración á Dios sobre Israel, es para salud.
2Porque yo les doy testimonio que tiene celo de Dios, …………..mas no conforme á ciencia.
3Porque ignorando la justicia de Dios, y procurando establecer la suya propia, no se han sujetado á la justicia de Dios.      ESTOS RELIGIOSOS
PROCURABAN JUSTIFICARSE A SI MISMOS,…………… fijaros el Señor Jesús cuando les ensenaba les ensenaba a todos por igual no había un doble estándar  algunos de los fariseos escuchaban muchas de sus parábolas
 LUCAS 16:15 14Y oían también todas estas cosas los Fariseos, los cuales eran avaros, y se burlaban de él. 
15Y díjoles: Vosotros sois los que os justificáis á vosotros mismos delante de los hombres; mas Dios conoce vuestros corazones; porque lo que los hombres tienen por sublime, delante de Dios es abominación.  Esta justicia es inaceptable delante de DIOS


El esta interesado en  La actitud de el corazón
 Que hay detrás de cada mandamiento  Jesús toca  temas  importantes hechos visibles  que tenían trascendencia en la vida de los contemporáneos de JESUS  y también en nuestras vidas  COMO el asesinato, el adulterio, el divorcio, la palabra dada,con compromiso , el amor a el prójimo.
Por encima de el mandamiento esta la actitud del  del corazón.
¿Por que?
 Marcos 7:21             Porque de dentro, del corazón de los hombres, salen los malos pensamientos, los adulterios, las fornicaciones, los homicidios 
Es allí donde se fabrica el asesinato,adulterio,las enemistades   esto es realmente lo que Jesús quiere destacar y esta es precisamente la idea central de el pesaje .
 v20………… ahora bien el destaca estas …………… por que son los responsables de la vida religiosa de el pueblo, en  muchas ocasiones los toma como referencia  que tremenda responsabilidad…………
Ahora bien los escribas y fariseos eran los religiosos de el tiempo  tenían una justicia que era externa quizás basada en el mandamiento, las ceremonias, el legalismo,  los ritos la religión de formas,  LA JUSTICIA QUE CRISTO REQUIERE ESTA POR ENCIMA  DE LA DE LOS ESCRIBAS Y FARISEOS
La forma exterior  No es el todo    (en esta apariencia externa ellos se sentían seguros, por ello cuando son denunciados por JESUS  ellos no pueden soportarlo, NO TODOS ALGUNOS DE ELLOS TIMIDAMENTE SE HACERCARON A EL NICODEMO lo importante es acercarse a el por que en realidad el da sentido y aclara nuestros pensamientos)
Luego después de predicación de el evangelio muchos de ellos vinieron y entregaron sus vidas al MESIAS DE ISRAEL hechos 21:20…………….Dios no hace acepción de personas
   Y lo que Jesús esta diciendo lo externo  no cancela  la actitud de el corazón  y esto es el espíritu de el antiguo testamento.
Déjame decirte  la mayoría de las personas  evalúan sus vidas y las vidas de los demás en la apariencia externa esto es muy común  es parte de nuestra naturaleza caída,
Pero déjame decirte no es así la actitud de DIOS el autor de la revelación          1SAMUEL      16:77Y Jehová respondió á Samuel: No mires á su parecer, ni á lo grande de su estatura, porque yo lo desecho; porque Jehová mira no lo que el hombre mira; pues que el hombre mira lo que está delante de sus ojos, mas Jehová mira el corazón. 
………..DIOS no esta tan preocupado con el exterior si no mas bien en el interior……..para hacernos pensar……………
El  exterior solo se valoriza en la medida en que es representativo de lo que hay en el corazón  y esto es francamente la base  del capitulo 5 del versículo 21 al 48 donde lo iremos viendo mas al detalle en oros domingos
En todo este sermón el señor esta dando estándar de vida de aquellos que forman parte de su reino lo hizo dese el versículo 3……………………………….. de este mismo capitulo  y vuelve a enfatizar esta normativa divina  ya dada en la ley de dios siempre ha sido la preocupación de dios  de esto 
1 de reyes 8:393…………….9Tú oirás en los cielos, en la habitación de tu morada, y perdonarás, y obrarás, y darás á cada uno conforme á sus caminos, cuyo corazón tú conoces; (porque sólo tú conoces el corazón de todos los hijos de los hombres
2cronicas 16:99…………………….Porque los ojos de Jehová contemplan toda la tierra, para corroborar á los que tienen corazón perfecto para con él.
Proverbios 16:22……………………………Todos los caminos del hombre son limpios en su opinión: Mas Jehová pesa los espíritus
Un hombre puede justificar sus normas pero  pero  DIOS  pesa los corazones
Jeremías 17:1010Yo Jehová, que escudriño el corazón, que pruebo los riñones, para dar á cada uno según su camino, según el fruto de sus obras. 

Apocalipsis 2;23…………………………………..y todas las iglesias sabrán que yo soy el que escudriño los riñones y los corazones: y daré á cada uno de vosotros según sus obras
Ahora la norma que Dios establece es la actitud de el corazón  creo que  esto es el mensaje en toda la revelación y es critico
Dios se preocupa por el comportamiento externo  si  …………por supuesto pero siempre y cuando este sea un fruto  de la justicia interna por que el ve el corazón
Es por ellos que el va a redefinir de nuevo  el va a restaurar de nuevo lo que en un principio ya fue dado pero que por negligencia descuido intereses personales estaba pasando
Tenemos que mirara el contesto de la religión en tiempos de el Señor Jesús  las tradiciones habían ocupado un tremendo poder
 y os esplique  que el judaísmo en sus formas  nada tenia que ver con el A.T
 Es posible que de las pocas sinagogas distribuidas en el país serian contadas aquellas que poseían completo      el TANAKH……………………  en su idioma original que era el hebreo
Según algunos historiadores creo que los escribas y estudiosos podrían tener acceso  a estos escritos  el resto de la población hablaba arameo es posible que este haya sido el lenguaje de el Señor Jesús.
El doctor MARTYN LLOYD JONES   NOS ESPLICA  esto de una forma  muy buena para poderlo entender  la experiencia de el pueblo de ISRAEL en tiempos de JESUS
  Es la misma que sufrió la cristiandad en la edad media  la biblia tal como la conocemos actualmente  nuestro idioma original en la edad media no estaba así estaba en latín
 La iglesia católica romana tenia acceso a la palabra de Dios solo aquellos conocedores de latín podían tener acceso que pasaba el pueblo común no entendía por lo tanto cuando el cura ensenaba algo lo hacia y nadie podía replicarle manejaban la escritura al capricho de ellos, DE TAL FORMA QUE DESPUIES DE LA MISA  la persona salía mas fría que había entrado………..al clero le interesaba este negocio 
EL trabajo de la reforma  PROTESTANTE fue poner la biblia al alcance de el pueblo  esa fue la chispa que encendió la reforma protestante de tal forma que tanto en Alemania MARTIN LUTERO   COMO EN INGLATERRA  JONH  WYCLIFFE
COMO EN EL MUNDO HISPANO  CASIODORO DE REINA la tradujeron a los idiomas  del pueblo
LA PALABRA DE DIOS  CREO un despertar en todos los aspectos……………………..
  Bueno esto era lo que estaba pasando en el tiempo de JESUS. EL ASCESO A LOS LIBROS  DE LA TORA EN HEBREO HERA MUY LIMITADO   y el pueblo común
 En las sinagogas escuchaba lo que el rabino de turno le contaba por regla general la tradición de los ancianos  como consecuencia un gran desconocimiento de la LEY DE MOISES
PERO llego el señor Jesús y el es  el mejor   que ningún otro por que el es LA PALBRA ENCARNADA EL VERBO DE DIOS  como dicen nuestros hermanos mesiánicos……………Joshua (Jesús es  …  la tora viviente)
El señor describe  la situación religiosa  en muchas formas  una de ellas
 Mateo 23;42Diciendo: Sobre la cátedra de Moisés se sentaron los escribas y los Fariseos: 
3Así que, todo lo que os dijeren que guardéis, guardadlo y hacedlo; mas no hagáis conforme á sus obras: porque dicen, y no hacen.
4Porque atan cargas pesadas y difíciles de llevar, y las ponen sobre los hombros de los hombres; mas ni aun con su dedo las quieren mover.
Tenían reglas para cada actividad del día y para cada hora
Nosotros no matamos…………….. nosotros  no cometemos adulterio……………………. nosotros  damos carta de divorcio de acuerdo a la tradición de los ancianos……………………….por cualquier cosa  daban carta de divorcio  
El señor capta  por el ejemplo de la oración de el fariseo y publicxano la esencia de la situación Lucas 18:10 10Dos hombres subieron al templo á orar: el uno Fariseo, el otro publicano.
11El Fariseo, en pie, oraba consigo de esta manera: Dios, te doy gracias, que no soy como los otros hombres, ladrones, injustos, adúlteros, ni aun como este publicano; 
12Ayuno dos veces á la semana, doy diezmos de todo lo que poseo.

El señor tiene que decirles  un momento necesitamos redefinir lo que esta escrito  tenéis necesidad de ir a el colegio pero no para aprender las tradiciones de los ancianos si no lo que esta escrito en la ley EN LA TORA
Su religión Hera  puramente externa  los judíos a quien  Jesús estaba predicando se inclinaban tan completamente  en las enseñanzas con su propia ley judaica  que el señor no podía pasar por encima de esto  lo que tu consideras como un estándar es inaceptable
V21……………….v27…………………….v31…………………….v33…………………. que  Que autoridad  tiene el Señor Jesús quien puede hablar así
Yo desearía  que os figeis,fue dicho a los antiguos……..fue dicho………
El no esta comparando el antiguo testamento,  con lo que el dice  dejando a un lado la ley o Los profetas  esto es critico que se entienda.
Deseo daros una referencia para que lo podamos entender cuando el Señor es tentado por el Diablo a cada tentación el Señor le contesta escrito esta ………….. esto si  se refiere  a la ley y los profetas  el siempre ………………………….os dais cuenta  recalco en no vino  a abrogar la ley y los profetas el le esta dando el verdadero SIGNIFICADO QUE NO ES ALGO NUEVO  YA ESTABA …………………
JUAN 5:46 46Porque si vosotros creyeseis á Moisés, creeríais á mí; porque de mí escribió él. 
47DE MANERA  que el no esta  dejando a un lado LA LEY Y LOS PROFETAS   sino los dichos de los ancianos que mantenían parte no todo el mandamiento.
EL  esta hablando  DE EL SISTEMA RELIGIOSO QUE SE HABIA CREADO y su interpretación a medias de la escritura  creando así una religión de normas  que perdió el espíritu por el que fue dada    y en definitiva esta diciendo tu nivel es demasiado bajo
Parafraseando las palabras de Señor Jesús:
Tu  te preocupas solo por el asesinato………..  Pero Dios mira el corazón y dice si odias a alguien si tu enojo es tan fuerte que no perdonas  eres tan culpable como el que mata esto es el espíritu de la Tora
T u te preocupas de no cometer adulterio,…….. pero yo os digo que si albergas pensamientos lascivos  en tu mente y corazón ya cometiste adulterio  y eres tan culpable……………. este es el espíritu de la TORA 
Tu  te preocupas  en cumplir tus juramentos al SENOR, no te apresures a esto  por razón de tu limitación esto es el espíritu de la tora y los profetas.
Tu dices ojo por ojo diente por diente es la ley del talión  ………… yo os digo no presentes defensa  al que te ofende no te vengues por ti mismo. Este es el espíritu de la tora y los profetas.
V43………………….amar a vuestros enemigos  esto es lo que ensena la tora y los profetas.

Tremendamente llama la atención como el dice pero yo os digo esto es algo que revoluciona TODO
   quien puede hablar con esa autoridad por ello hermanos aunque tuviéramos pasajes de la escritura como este tendríamos que caer rendidos a sus pies por que ¿quien puede hablar con esa autoridad?   SOLO EL HIJO DE DIOS…………………………………..
Los profetas dicen Jehová dijo………… los que se paran en un pulpito pueden decir el Señor dijo pero quien se atreva a decir esto en su pleno juicio PERO YO OS DIGO
Por ello mateo 7:29
Marcos 1:2222Y se admiraban de su doctrina; porque les enseñaba como quien tiene potestad, y no como los escribas.
Concluimos por que el Señor condeno  las enseñanzas de los escribas y fariseos  creo que la respuesta la encontramos en 
Marcos 7 :6-9   Hipócritas, bien profetizó de vosotros Isaías, como está escrito: Este pueblo con los labios me honra, Mas su corazón lejos está de mí.
7Y en vano me honra, Enseñando como doctrinas mandamientos de hombres.
8Porque dejando el mandamiento de Dios, tenéis la tradición de los hombres; las lavaduras de los jarros y de los vasos de beber: y hacéis otras muchas cosas semejantes.
9Les decía también: Bien invalidáis el mandamiento de Dios para guardar vuestra tradición.
Tremendamente poderoso INVALIDAR EL MADAMIENTO DE DIOS  para seguir  las tradiciones aquello que me gusta escuchar  ¿ocurre en nuestros días?  yo creo que si
Escribe  el doctor CARBALLOSA con acierto  en su comentario del libro de mateo
Los teólogos modernos junto con gran parte del estamento evangélico se han dejado arrastrar por el PRAGMATISMO EL POSITIVISMO  y han adoptado la llamada NUEVA MORALIDA  que predica que nada es bueno ni malo en si mismo .
una forma de invalidar el mandamiento de DIOS 

Enseñanza  practica para ti y para mí mi hermano
 1     El espíritu de la ley en todo su contesto es a lo que el Señor da prioridad no  SOLO A UNA PARTE la letra de la ley acomodada a una religión de formas  o sea a sus tradiciones 
2  La conformidad con la ley de Dios es un asunto de el corazón  no de formas exteriores, es posible que a lo largo de nuestra vida de creyentes hemos aprendió cosas  que no están mal y han formado carácter en nosotros cuanto mas viejo soy mas me cuesta librarme de esto, no te asustes esto es normal    pero es bueno que nos preguntemos
? Esto que estoy haciendo se conforma a lo que mi señor Jesús dice en  SU CONTESTO AMPLIO  o es resultado de una tradición?
¿Estoy invalidando el mandamiento de Dios para apoyar la tradición?
Hay algunas tradiciones en el mundo evangélico que consciente o inconscientemente invalidan el mandamiento de DIOS  demos una mirada a los tiempos señalados por el PADRE  en toda la revelación de DIOS  desde el Génesis a  apocalipsis   
 Ahora para aquellos  que todavía no están en CRISTO
La  justicia que Cristo requiere de todo aquel que espera entrar en su  reino tiene que estar por encima de la de los escribas y fariseos

El Señor es enfático cuando dice que sin una justicia mayor en excelencia que la de los escribas y fariseos no entraran  en el reino de los cielos

Para que alguien pueda entrar en la presencia de Dios es necesario que este recubierto de una justicia exactamente igual a la de Dios

Solo Cristo posee esa clase de justicia el la otorga por la fe a todo aquel que confía en el para la salvación eterna de su vida la ¿tienes  tu ¿
Si no la tienes te invito a que medites en

 Romanos 10:9-11 Esta es la palabra de fe, la cual predicamos:
9Que si confesares con tu boca al Señor Jesús, y creyeres en tu corazón que Dios le levantó de los muertos, serás salvo.
10Porque con el corazón se cree para justicia; mas con la boca se hace confesión para salud.
11Porque la Escritura dice: Todo aquel que en él creyere, no será avergonzado.
                                         Un saludo:v.orden